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Stressed? Try online therapy for stress management

Stressed? Try online therapy for stress management

The present life is not hassle free. Be it students, employees, home makers, none of us are stress free. With new and new stressors like COVID 19, health issues, adapting to an online world, personal conflicts, professional issues, dealing with stress has become difficult. The most proven way of stress management is taking therapy. Well grounded research in the past few decades claim that people seeking therapy are better equipped to deal with stress as compared to those who don’t. Time management, travelling back and forth is a hurdle in seeking therapy. Online therapy is steadily becoming a feasible option to seek help for stress management. 

How does online therapy for stress work?

TalktoAngel is the first step to your therapeutic journey. Following that, you would like to select a therapist depending on your budget, their experience, qualifications etc. The rest of the stuff is relatively easy. Once you have made an appointment, your therapist will help you in understanding the process. 

Online therapy like conventional therapy for stress management begins with understanding the issues, discussing goals and working together to achieve previously set goals. Learning coping mechanisms, strategies and relaxation techniques help you in managing stress even after therapy. It is essential to deal with stress issues because it can cause more problems. Short term stress can prevent success at work, school or personal life. Long term stress can have detrimental health effects as severe as causing or worsening heart diseases, migraine as well as mental health issues. Online therapy for stress management can help you with work stress, academic stress, daily life stress and physical/health related stress. 

How effective is online therapy?

Steadily growing scientific research suggests that online interventions for stress are as effective as in person treatments. Not just this, online therapy has also proven to be resourceful in other mental health conditions like anxiety, depression. Psychotherapy driven by action, mindfulness and emotion oriented ways helps in online treatment. Setting up goals and working towards them is an important part of therapy. Websites like TalktoAngel have successfully provided therapy to thousands of happy clients. You can reach out to such organisations for stress management. 


1.How can online therapy for stress help? 

Online therapy with its benefits of affordability, accessibility, time saving properties is helpful. Online interventions utilise treatments like Cognitive Behavior Therapy, muscle relaxation, cognitive restructuring and alternative therapies. With the comfort of your home and the tap of your finger, you can seek help from professionals. 

2.Is it possible to eliminate stress?

Eliminating stress is not possible, however, learning how to cope up with stress is easy and possible. Therapy can be effective in managing life problems and associated stress. 

3.Is stress permanent or temporary?

Research suggests that stress is constant, however, the effect varies depending on the stressors and our way of coping. Some amount of stress is also essential for effective functioning. Overwhelming stress or distress can cause burnout and impair our wellbeing. Stress management therapy focuses on learning coping mechanisms and different techniques which can be a saviour forever.

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