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Top Signs You Should Consider While Water Heater Replacement

Old Town Plumbing
Top Signs You Should Consider While Water Heater Replacement

It's never fun running out of hot water because you need to replace your water heater. Your use your water heater daily, which means you'll ultimately need to replace it at some point. A water heater's usual lifespan is 8-12 years, so you can anticipate replacing it once every ten years or so. Keep in mind that frequent maintenance can help to safeguard your investment. Professional maintenance inspections and tankless water heater repair service Huntsville AL can extend the life of your water heater.

Consider these reasons to install a new water heater.

1. Keep an eye on your water heater tank and inspect it regularly for any rust or corrosion that has developed over time. You should pay special attention to the regions around the temperature and pressure relief valves, as well as the inlet and outlet connections. Rust and corrosion development are common in these places. Keeping the parts clean and well-maintained will extend the life of your unit and help you avoid having to replace your water heater.

2. When you turn on your shower taps and feel cold or lukewarm water flowing out, you know it's time to replace your water heater. When your water doesn't get warm or hot at all, more than simply a delay in feeling warm water pouring out – it typically signifies a problem.

3. When examining for rust and corrosion, go around the unit and look for pooled water. There is likely a leak or break inside your hot water tank if you see even a small amount of dampness. The metal in your tank swells and eventually fractures as it warms up, allowing water to escape through the holes. This might be causing the tank to leak, and it could also suggest it's time to replace the water heater.

Call the experts at Old Town Plumbing for tankless water heater installation Huntsville Alabama.

Old Town Plumbing
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