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What is Kaal Sarp Dosh in Your Horoscope?

Trimbakeshwar Org
What is Kaal Sarp Dosh in Your Horoscope?

Even though it sounds strange, I want to make one thing clear first, there is no yoga-like Kaal Sarp Dosh. If all the planets are between Rahu and Ketu, then there is Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope of the person.

Such a person can never achieve success in his life. Sometimes, even if he achieves success, he has to suffer a lot. This yoga destroys all the good yogas in the horoscope.

In no branch of astrology, there has never been a yoga-like Kaal Sarp. In the last two-three decades, this yoga was born, and its impact was said to be so widespread that it became successful rapidly.

Today, go to any corner of India, be it old or new astrologer, a supporter of ancient Indian astrology or western, everyone will feel uncomfortable in denying Kaal Sarp Yoga.

These are the misconceptions of Kalsarp. In fact, there is no basis behind it at all. There is no mention of Kaal Sarp Yoga anywhere in the ancient Indian astrology.

Most of the astrologers till the seventh or eighth decade of this last century did not even know about this yoga,

But the predictions of this yoga that can be applied to every human being created such a miracle that a large number of people started believing it.

In the last few years, Kaal Sarp Yoga has developed rapidly. Now books coming in the market and many astrologers have made 12 types of Kaal Sarp Yoga.

Among them, the Kaal Sarp Yogas named Ananta, Kulik, Vasuki, Shankhpal, Padma, Mahapadma, Takshak, Karkotaka, Shankhchud, Ghatak, Vishdhar and Sheshnag have been mentioned. The description of the symptoms and remedies of each one of these Kaal Sarp Yoga has also come in the market.

How was Kaal Sarp Yog born?

To sum it up in one line, the past sorrows of the people nurtured this yoga. To be more specific, impediment to progress is a word that can be used in many ways. Everyone wants luck in life. Bhagyaoda means that when will you get it after tearing the roof.

It happens that some people even get it by tearing the roof. The rest of the people have hope.

In such a situation, when people ask the astrologer about the 'obstacle coming in the breaking of the roof', the astrologer tells them that there is Kaal Sarp Yoga in your horoscope, so you cannot be successful.

Now we have to take action. And people start taking measures. During the remedy, the entire focus is on success and its efforts. If success is achieved, then Kalsarp is cured and if success is not achieved, then the blame has to be thrown on the poor Kalsarp.

The eminent astrologer Bangalore Venkata Raman (BV Raman), in his study on astrological yogas, found that there is no mention of Kaal Sarp Yoga anywhere in ancient Indian astrology. There is information about a common Sarp Yog only in one place.

It has been told in ancient texts that when all the planets are in between Rahu and Ketu, Sarp Yoga is formed. Suppose there is Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra along with it, all the planets should be between Aries to Libra or Libra to Aries. This is called Sarpa Yoga.

It is believed that Rahu is a reptile, and it has all the planets between its head and tail. Its result has also been told on Manden astrology instead of Jataka Kundali. That is, the result of this yoga on the country and the ruler is bad. They perish. Astrologer Biwi Raman wrote an additional chapter at the end of her book, Three A Hundred Vital Yogas, expressing concern about the growing misconception among people about this yoga. He has written that unnecessary importance should not be given to Kaal Sarp Yoga.

Some astrologers associate its effect with age, some progress, but instead of any yoga,

the correct conclusion can be drawn from the analysis of the entire horoscope that how many conditions are being created for the person to succeed or fail. No one yoga is able to give the result of the entire horoscope.

He said that in Mandan astrology, this yoga may have more effect, but in the personal horoscope, it is not of much importance. Raman has described the person with Kaal Sarp Yog as one who recognizes his potential, reaches a high position when Raja Yoga occurs, and can touch heights in spiritual matters.

Trimbakeshwar Org
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