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A Guide Into Finding the Perfect Indian Food in San Francisco

Urban Curry
A Guide Into Finding the Perfect Indian Food in San Francisco

Many people love Indian food and find it the perfect choice for many occasions. Whether you’re planning on hosting some guests or want a single meal for yourself, you need to know where to go in San Francisco to get it.

Authentic Indian food isn’t hard to find in San Francisco when you have a good idea of how to spot them. Find an Indian and Nepalese restaurant in San Francisco when you’re looking through these factors before tasting their food.

Know What You Want

When you’re looking to have a great experience, you have to ensure that you know what you want when it comes to Indian cuisine. If you’ve never tried out any Indian food before, it’s a good idea to check out some dishes and see what sounds right for your palate.

If you can’t tolerate spice, you should be looking for a restaurant that can adjust its spice level according to your tastebuds. Indian food tends to be spicy, so you have to ensure that you’re choosing mildly-flavored dishes that don’t set your tongue on fire.

Look Around

Finding the perfect Nepalese restaurant in San Francisco that caters to Indian cuisine is simple. However, it would be best to look around before deciding which one you want to go to.

Try checking out some popular locations like Broadway and Union Square to see what Indian restaurants are available there. Look for online reviews of the places, and photos are helpful too. The more information you get about the place, the more prepared you will be when you eventually eat there.

Ask For Recommendations

If you have no clue where to start looking for the perfect Indian and Nepalese restaurant in San Francisco, now is a good time to use your network of friends and family. They can provide you with plenty of recommendations that you can start looking at.

Not only that, but they might also tell you about their personal experiences and what dishes they thought were the best at a particular restaurant. You will have a good idea about their food preferences and can decide accordingly whether that place sounds like a good match for you.

Start Shortlisting

Once you have looked through all possible options for restaurants, it’s a great time to start shortlisting them. You can shortlist restaurants based on the following factors:

-         The kind of reviews they have

-         Affordability

-         Customer service

-         Waiting time

-         How far they are from your location

These are some factors you should be considering before you give any place a spot on your list. The best Indian or Nepalese restaurant in San Francisco will have many customers raving about not just their food but also the ambiance and staff friendliness. If you find authentic Indian restaurants run by people who’ve been working in the culinary industry for years, that’s even better.

Look Through The Menu

Before you decide, you have to look through the menu and ensure that you like the dishes being offered. A great thing about Indian food is that it can cater to any type of dietary preference, so it won’t be a problem whether you’re a vegan or a non-vegetarian.

Get an idea of the menu ahead of time, so when you eventually order, you know what’s in each dish. If you have any problems, you can also consult with the restaurant staff about popular dishes that you can look forward to trying out. Some dishes might be seasonal, so call ahead and ask.

Consider Dining or Ordering Services

Indian food delivery is an extremely popular option for many people in San Francisco. However, if you want to experience the ambiance of a traditional Indian restaurant, it would be ideal to eat at the restaurant itself.

Depending on whether you’re going alone or with your friends, you might have to make a reservation ahead of time to ensure you get a table at the restaurant. If you’re planning on ordering to your house, go on their website to see if any special offers are available.

Try Them Out

Now that you know all there is to know about finding the best Indian restaurant, nothing stops you from trying it out. Get the authentic Indian experience you’re looking for when you find the perfect Indian cuisine and restaurant using these tips. 

Urban Curry
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