When a person dies, they are usually dressed in a white dress and carried by pallbearers. There are several things that are placed beside the coffin. These items are usually flowers, a bible and a cross, a picture of the deceased.
A Catholic funeral services has several parts that take place over the course of the ceremony. The coffin is carried in procession, the pastor prays a prayer of absolution, the priest or deacon offers a prayer over the coffin, and the coffin is lowered into the grave. The coffin is usually placed on a bier or on a catafalque. What's placed beside the coffin on a bier?
The coffin is the first thing to be placed at a Catholic funeral. It is typically placed in front of the church or chapel, standing on a small altar or pedestal, and is made of wood or metal. It is often decorated with flowers and/or other floral arrangements. A statue of the deceased is also placed on the altar. The coffin will provide a place for mourners to place flowers or other tokens of remembrance.
At a Catholic funeral, there is a specific thing that is placed beside the coffin. It is the pall. The pall is a cloth that is draped around the person's coffin. The pall is used to mark the end of the Mass. It is placed on the coffin at the beginning of the Mass and removed at the end.
Funeral Mass is the central rite of the Christian faith. The body is placed in the coffin, and the coffin is then placed in the ground. The body is surrounded by a white cloth, the pallium, which is held by the priest and the deacon, and then it is covered with earth. The practice of placing a headstone on the grave dates back to ancient times.
It is a marker for where the deceased is buried. Generally, the headstone is made of stone or metal and is engraved with the name of the deceased and their date of birth and death. The placement of a headstone is a sign of respect and honor, and it is symbolic of the hope that one day they may find the peace they deserve.
The body is placed in the coffin before the priest says the prayer. The coffin is then lowered into the ground and the priest says the prayer and asks God to welcome the deceased into His presence.