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A Complete Guide To What Happens During A Funeral Service

Kenneally's Funerals
A Complete Guide To What Happens During A Funeral Service

Funeral services are very personal services that reflect the wishes of the deceased. Some people choose a prepaid funeral plan before death or if death wasn’t expected and the bereaved choose how they say goodbye to their departed loved one.


What happens on the funeral day?

On the funeral day, the director of the funeral will transport the body of your loved one from the family home or funeral home to the funeral service. There are a lot of funeral vehicle providers that can offer travel arrangements. Some of the alternative travel arrangements available include land rovers, a horse-drawn hearse, a motorcycle hearse, and so on. Any pre-selected photo tributes or flowers will be placed alongside the coffin. There will be a procession of limousines or cars following behind including a vehicle carrying friends and close relatives of the deceased.


Talking arrangement

There is no wrong or right order because each service is catered to the wishes of the family. The order is usually decided by the next of kin.


Who sits at the front?

Traditionally, close family members and friends sit on the front row close to the coffin of their belovedone but it is up to the family and close friends to decide who sits at the front.


What happens during a funeral service?

It is important to understand that every funeral is different and the order of the funeral service depends on the personal requests of the family of the deceased or the wishes of the deceased. Most funeral services follow a similar layout or your funeral services provider may customise the service according to the needs of the family.


The funeral procession involves pallbearers carrying the coffin to the venue. Then, there is the ceremony which usually lasts for thirty to forty minutes and is led by a member of the clergy. This is followed by a committal service where your loved one is taken away to be buried or cremated. This may take place at a different location.


Things to expect during a funeral

The funeral is usually led by a member of the clergy but a non-religious celebrant or anyone close to the deceased may also do it. A funeral service may include funeral hymns, eulogies, music and readings. Some families will choose to include a video or photo slideshow.


What happens after the service?

It is common for the family to wait at the exit and thank the attendees as they leave the funeral. If it is a burial ceremony, the coffin will be transported to the burial ground or the cemetery where pallbearers or a special team organized by the director will lift the coffin and slowly lower it into the grave.


Things to expect at an open casket funeral

If you are planning to attend funeral services with an open casket, the body will be visible. For some, this offers a source of comfort whilst others feel uncomfortable seeing the body of their beloved. If you do not want to view the body then it is acceptable to avoid getting close to the coffin.

Kenneally's Funerals
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