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Why Custom-Made Wooden Bunk Beds Are A Better Option

Why Custom-Made Wooden Bunk Beds Are A Better Option

What gives a piece of furniture set the most value? Obviously, it is not its appearance or price tag rather handmade furniture customized to the exact specifications of the buyer. In simple terms, your bunk bed is going to be valuable because it is custom-made, possibly handmade by artisans, and was made to order. These are the crucial three things that automatically add value to the furniture.

Note that, some manufacturers use these terms loosely to explain their production process or convert an unfinished bunk bed piece into your likable color and finish only. For this, you need to be very much aware of the terms and avoid misleading tactics taking the liberty of these terms solely and providing you with the same mass-produced bunk beds.

Terms You Need to Know When You Come Through Unfinished Bunk Beds

Handcrafted or Handmade: The artisan assigned for your bunk bed will work closely with you to build a unique bed for your home. Nowadays, buyers place more emphasis on handmade units as more efforts are put into the creation to create a unique piece.

Custom Dimensions: The bunk beds are built according to customer specifications. That is your manufacturer will allow you to decide on the color, finish, design, and features among other aspects. With the current market trend brimming with classic standardized products, you get the opportunity to inject your style.

Made-to-order: The entire design process only begins when the customer places an order with their specifications. For instance, Maine Bunk Beds doesn't pre-make or keep an inventory of finished beds, they work on order basis.

Here's what the actual Custom Bunk Bed process looks like:

  1. Designing when you place your order: This doesn't only involve the consumer choosing a few characteristic elements like the color and finish, just to call it a custom bunk bed. Once you validate your frame style plus any custom dimensions your manufacturer will secure a slot on the production to get the work started. This process gives furniture a certain prestige, giving that others can't buy the same product. To make it simple for you, your manufacturer will present different styles for you so that you can draw inspiration.
  2. Application of practical elements like color and finish: Your choice of bed frame and design was tasteful, but will it fit with your other interior? You can count on our professionals who will consider the nuances of the room or space that needs to be furnished. Based on that, you can consider a paint color and finish from the several different options so that it can sync well with other furniture in your home.
  3. Approve your unfinished bunk bed: If this is your first time making a major decision about custom bunk beds, don't worry, when you partner with a reliable manufacturer you will get unfinished photos of your bunk beds. This way you can decide whether it matches the look and feel you desire the most. Once you have selected the paint, your manufacturer will not start with the process then and there. They will send the images of the structure to start with to build a unique bunk for your home.
  4. Finalize your order: For the perfect balance of quality and art, your artisan will reconfirm your choice throughout, before the finishing process. And once everything is done and dusted you are going to receive the product in perfect condition.

Benefits of Custom-Made Bunk Beds

  1. A thoughtful process leads to unique results: With handmade bunk beds, one piece of bunk bed will not resemble the other. Whether you are designing for your studio apartment or home, you will have the space in mind to fit the place. For instance, if you are seeking a dream bedroom for a shared space, you can easily curate the look with the help of skilled artisans.
  2. Practicality with adaptability to spaces: While with less time it may be quicker to buy ready-made furniture. However, this could prove to be an impractical addition in the long run as it wouldn't serve the purpose. Often for people who are looking for specific functions like an additional storage unit or a trundle bed underneath a custom bunk bed can easily meet your requirements provided you have taken prior measurements.
  3. Multi-functional piece of furniture: Just like the room dimensions influence how long and wide your bed is going to be, similarly the specific functions you will need will affect the features of your furniture. To get it right in one go, state down what do you need your bunk bed to do? Do you only want it for sleeping or need storage units along the floor space covered? Whatever your needs and requirements, simple or complex it can be turned into spectacular designs.
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