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5 Tips to Choosing the Right Twin Bunk Beds for Your Kids

Mike Marini
5 Tips to Choosing the Right Twin Bunk Beds for Your Kids

On the lookout for the perfect bunk bed for your growing kids? Choosing the right kind of bunk bed requires a couple of considerations. After all, beds aren't cheap, and you want to make sure that your kids will be safe and comfortable in whatever bunk bed you decide to buy for them.

That said, we've put together a short list of tips and tricks on how to identify the bunk bed that will best fit your children. So if you've been canvassing the different types of twin bunk beds for sale, keep reading and take some notes. These are some tips you definitely don't want to miss.

1. Always Choose Solid Wood Over Particle Board

Particle boards are processed woods that have been glued together to form a more solid board. However, as put-together as they might seem, they aren't as sturdy or as solid as you might initially think.

In terms of longevity, solid wood is still the best option. Particle wood boards have a tendency of deforming over time, with repeated use. As your kids grow, the lifespan of particle board shortens, unlike if you choose to go with twin bunk beds that are made from solid wood.

2. Think About Convertibility

When choosing what beds to buy for your kids, it's always good to think long term. Do you foresee them getting bored and tired of bunk beds in the near future? If so, there are actually bunk beds that can be separated and converted into single beds. Having this option handy is perfect for when your kids grow up and decide that they each want a room of their own.

3. Decide Between Ladders or Stairs

When it comes to safety, choosing between ladders and stairs is a question that often comes up. In this case, stairs may seem the safer choice, especially for younger kids. However, you also have the option to go for slanted ladders if your kids' room doesn't have the space needed for a staircase.

4. Consider Vertical Space Between Bunks and the Ceiling

Another important thing to take note of and measure is the space between bunks. Too low and it will be difficult for the kid on the lower bunk to move around as they grow older. Ideally, you want to have enough space between the bunks to be able to sit up straight without hitting your head.

In the same way, it's also important to consider the distance between the top bunk and your ceiling. Similarly, you also want to make sure that your kids won't constantly be bumping their heads whenever they wake up in the morning. Similarly, the one on the top bunk should have enough space to be able to sit up on their bed without worrying about hitting their head.

5. Choose Between an Extra Bed or Storage

A lot of twin bunk beds actually come with either a trundle bed underneath, or some extra storage. If you're in need of storage space for your kids' toys, books, clothes or belongings, that extra storage space under their beds could prove handy. On the other hand, a trundle bed would be perfect for sleepovers whenever your kids invite their friends over.

Exceptional Twin Bunk Beds for Sale

Have you decided, then, on what type of bunk bed fits perfectly into your home? If not, Kids N Cribs offers a wide selection of twin bunk beds for sale in their store. With models from some renowned and well-known brands for kids furniture, we recommend checking out their selection if you're on the lookout for some quality twin bunk beds.

For more information about Kids Theme Beds and Best Baby Furniture Stores Please visit: Kids N Cribs

Mike Marini
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