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Planning your Exterior Lighting

Fleur De Lights
Planning your Exterior Lighting

If you don't want to lift a finger, hire an electrician New Orleans counts on! (The Association of Outdoor Lighting Professionals will help you find one.) However, homeowners who are prepared to put in a little time and effort may save a lot of money by following the advice of Kenneth Hobag, owner of Fleur De Lights in New Orleans, Louisiana. Here are his top design suggestions:


Bullet, Well, or flood light

When directing ground lights straight up into vegetation, be careful to also illuminate the trunk. If you don't, the crown will appear to be a hovering UFO. Place two 20-watt downlights as high in a tree as feasible and aim them so that their beams do not overlap while illuminating vegetation from above.

Planting Beds

Garden Lights

Fixtures should be no more than 20 feet apart. "You want pools of light to lead your attention from one plant to the next, not constant lighting."

Garden Walls

Bullet, flood, or well

Fixtures should be placed near to the foundation so that the beams bring textures into sharp relief.

Home Facade

Wash and bullet

Fit bullet lights with 12-degree beam spread bulbs and point them at the corners of your home or architectural elements; softer wash lights can fill up the gaps between them.

Focal Points

Wash, bullet, or flood

Highlight a focal point, such as a fountain, a tree swing, or an arbor, by directing two or more lights at it. Crossing beams soften the sharp shadows cast when only one light shines on an item.

Fleur De Lights
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