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DevOps Consulting Services | DevOps Services - Wipro

DevOps Consulting Services | DevOps Services - Wipro

Wipro’s Consulting practice helps enterprises bring their products and services to market at a faster rate while reducing delivery costs and ensuring quality for customers. We identify and remove waste in the software lifecycle and enable business and IT teams to deliver continuously while fast-tracking speed, flexibility and innovation, which are imperative in the digital economy. We also help IT organizations adopt DevOps practices, creating cultures centered around process improvement and driving total collaboration across the entire value chain – including business, development, and production support – to boost velocity, reduce overall costs, and increase accuracy of software delivery. From assessing the landscape to driving outcomes, our approach to redesigning client strategies achieves measurable results – improving time to market by up to 50% and improving product and service quality by up to 75% in most cases – by leveraging the latest enablers, accelerators, and Wipro’s proprietary solutions. Our proprietary DevOps framework enables clients to take a methodical and clearly defined approach to transformation through fitness assessment, future state design, trailblazing, industrialization, and continuous improvement. Our experienced SAFe and SCRUM certified consultants, coaches, architects, and engineers are located across the globe to offer clients their expertise locally. From assessing the landscape to driving outcomes, our approach to redesigning client strategies achieves measurable results – improving time to market by up to 50% and improving product and service quality by up to 75% in most cases – by leveraging the latest enablers, accelerators, and Wipro’s proprietary solutions.

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