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Appointment of An Enduring Guardian: Eligibility & Process

Gamble Law & Estate Planning
Appointment of An Enduring Guardian: Eligibility & Process

The appointment of an enduring guardian in Wollongong is a straightforward process. An Enduring Guardian refers to someone you appoint to make all your health and lifestyle decisions on your behalf if and when you lose the capacity to do so yourself. Here's all that you need to know, to appoint one.


Both you and the person or persons you wish to appoint should understand the effect and nature of the Enduring Guardianship document.

You both must be above 18 years of age to apply for the Guardianship.

Your Enduring Guardian or Guardians should not have any relationship with those who provide you with health care, accommodation or any service that supports your daily life and activities for a fee.

How To Appoint

  • Although the eligibility (as mentioned above) is the most common, you should still check your state's eligibility requirements once more.

  • They will help you understand the process and fill out the necessary paperwork and forms.

Additional Information

  • The Enduring Guardianship comes into effect only if you lose capacity. The Guardianship will occur during the incapacity period.

  • There can be one or more Enduring Guardians.


The Enduring Guardianship program allows you to have a guardian if you ever lose your capacity. It works as an excellent safeguard to ensure that someone is bound to always look after you and make the right decisions if you are unable to. So contact our expert lawyers at Gamble Law & Estate Planning to help you avail of the Enduring Guardianship program by helping you undergo all the legal procedures without any hassle. 

Gamble Law & Estate Planning
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