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Capital Smart City - Overseas central balloting

Pines Marketing
Capital Smart City - Overseas central balloting

Located at just a few minutes drive from New Islamabad International Airport after the dedicated interchange is constructed on M-2 Motorway, Capital Smart City is a state-of-the-art housing project that aims to provide an exclusive lifestyle with modern infrastructure and the latest technology. This eco-friendly society is sprawled over around 55,000 Kanal, offering exclusive amenities that one could only imagine. Capital Smart City Islamabad offers residential and commercial plots in all three of its blocks i.e. Overseas, Executive, and Harmony Park. Moreover, the grand housing project also offers fully constructed and finished Villas.

FDHL is one of the top Pakistani real estate developers and asset management company, that assists in developing futuristic smart cities to not only provide a luxurious up-scale living but also profitable contributions to its clients. FDHL is a group association registered under Companies Ordinance 1984. Multiple National and international business entities have come together to form this organization. FDHL is a combination of China Liaoning International Economic and Technical Cooperation Group Corporation Ltd (CLIC) and Engineering Dimensions (Pvt.) Limited (EDL) – Two of the leading companies with expertise in leadership and technical skills.

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