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Anuspa Heritage
Choose us for convenient and authentic products.

The pandemic of 2020 has taught us the necessity of sanitation in our day-to-day life. Hence, the role of soaps is irreplaceable in our life. Targeting this weakness of our innocent Indians foreign companies have exploited us in the name of brand. Hence, the time has come to support our indigenous manufacturing products and tackle the problem of the pandemic together. We understand that the presence of a wide variety of soap brands in the market has confused customers but the availability of authentic and value to your money products has always captured the market so, we provide you the best quality of soap that can be available in a short period of time.

Anuspa heritage is locally owned and operated contract soap manufacturer in India that helps you avail high quality soap on your demand so that your business can thrive. We can manufacture different types of soaps for you that includes Toilet soaps grade 1, 2, 3, medicated soaps, bathing bars, baby soap, laundry soap, hotel soap, glycerin soap, transparent soap, liquid soap, shampoo bars and the list go on and on. We consider ourselves not as a manufacturing industry but as a service industry, with the aim to satisfy every customer with our best quality soaps. One of the great benefits of working with us is the flexibility of placing orders because we take orders monthly, intermittently or unplanned with minimum time to deliver. The volume of orders varies from few thousand to lakhs. We strive to reduce our carbon footprint a step towards saving our mother earth. Hence, we are considered as one of the best private label soap manufacturers in India.

We too have an online portal that is easy to use and gives information about all our services. and make sure to visit us online at http://www.anuspaheritage.com/

Anuspa Heritage
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