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Learn and have faith in the message of the Cross, and forgiveness in the Bible shall be granted without a doubt

Learn and have faith in the message of the Cross, and forgiveness in the Bible shall be granted without a doubt

What is the importance of the Cross? Is it just to know and remember the history of Jesus Christ? Or is the Cross a constant reminder of the sacrifice our Lord and Savior made for the sinful men and women like us of the world?

The Cross is sacred because of the importance the Son of God attached to it. He used it as a symbol to instil the strong message of self-sacrifice in the hearts of all the believers of the world.

We at the Cross builder non-profit organisation cherish the meaning behind the Cross and the very symbol of the Cross with all our hearts. Before going home to be with the father, he sent over 5000 crosses to countries like Africa, Latin America, Mexico, Europe, Russia, Sweden, and Haiti on mission trips, giving them away to spread the word of God and the truth of the only possible Salvation through Jesus Christ. CWL's lifetime's work of changing people's lives for the better through the message of the Cross is now our mission at the Cross builder organisation. We carry the legacy of CWL and still offer free crosses to whoever requests them. Thus, we spread the message of Cross and Jesus from Machesney park to people all over the world.

At the Cross builder organization, we believe that the Cross is the only way forward in these times. The message of the Cross demands one to give their claim over their lives and live in the power of the life given by God henceforth. As there can be no error in God's word, we believe that embracing the Cross and thus, embracing the message conveyed by it is the only chance given to men and women of the world during these end times by God. It is no conjecture; it is a fact that embracing the Cross has changed people's lives. We have witnessed it happen after giving away crosses to people asking for them.

Come to Jesus Christ confessing your sins, and him, as your Lord and Savior; and forgiveness shall be granted. Forgiveness in the Bible speaks of the Lord forgiving our sins and him not remembering them anymore. So, follow the word of God and do not wait until it's too late.

These are the end times, and according to the Holy Bible, the next major event in front of us 'born-again Christians' is the rapture of the church. Following the great apostasy (i.e., falling away), with the second coming of the Lord and Savior, the rapture will take place. Thus, we all must have unfailing faith till the very end in the face of all obstacles and atrocities we face.

The Cross builder organization believes that the gifting of the Cross will overwhelmingly touch the hearts of many people so that they will not fall away here in the end times. And for those who have fallen away, the message of the Cross will bring them back to witness the rapture with their fellow believers. We also answer end-time questions and offer prayers on behalf of people.

The United States in the end times is concerningly absent from the Bible. The holy words of God do not prophecize anything related to the United States, in the end, times, and it is a concern for us all. We fear for its political, economic, and religious supremacy; we fear for its loss of influence due to moral and spiritual deterioration; we fear for its destruction from within due to

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