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Classification of Pocket knives

Classification of Pocket knives

When choosing your first Pocket knife, a novice knife maker may have several difficulties. It is difficult to decide on your first pocket cutter without knowing the nuances and not understanding the conditional classifications of knives. It’s good to have a friend who is more experienced in the knife subject at hand, who can give a couple of tips, but even in such a situation, it is rather difficult to make a choice.

Having set the goal of choosing a blue Pocket knife, you need to understand that knives have a specialization and are divided into several conditional clauses. Therefore, you first need to understand the purpose for which the knife is bought and its purpose. It must be said that even just carrying a knife in your pocket as a stylish accessory is also a use case. Therefore, we will try to cover the widest possible range of possible options in this article.

The first prehistoric knife was created solely for cutting. This principle is still adhered to by all the best knifemakers from around the world, as well as by most of the members of the global knife community. However, modern trends have divided knives into several knife niches, each of which covers a certain range of tasks that a knife from this niche can most effectively solve:

General-purpose knives for everyday

The first knife niche that is most often mentioned in the knife community is everyday Pocket knives or EDC. Many, probably, will immediately remember the statement that everything universal is inferior to the special. It’s hard to argue with this, but it’s worth paying attention to the fact that a slight deterioration in one of the components of the knife’s functionality will allow you to limit yourself to only one knife in everyday wear, instead of a whole set of tools. 

It can handle a wide range of tasks quite easily, including punching a hole in plywood or working with a small lever while wringing something that a more delicate blade cannot handle. Universals have a thicker edge, which allows cutting work with lateral bends of the blade, and increased thickness of the blade that can withstand large lateral load,s and a more powerful tip,

Tactical Folders

The next knife niche has somewhat fewer fans, and generally still gives rise to controversy on the very definition of a knife as "tactical". However, knives that are classified this way are ubiquitous and are popular with many knife companies. This is, in a way, an intermediate link between urban station wagons and powerful "crowbars" about which is a little lower. 

Tactics is “the conduct of reasonable, systematic actions aimed at achieving certain goals”, and the definition of “tactical knife” implies the only knife with which you can solve all the tasks that arise in the process: from combat to technical ones. 

Such knives are especially valued by the military, police officers, and special forces, while each of them chooses his own “tactician”, based on the priority of the tasks he solves. Such knives equally successfully cut, pierce, chop and stab, work as levers and makeshift steps. Tactician knives are the favorite devices of people who appreciate the high level of technogenic danger of modern megacities and prefer to have a powerful knife with them. Of course, the components of the functionality of this knife will be somewhat worse than the basic functionality of ideal "cutters" and "crowbars", but they are guaranteed to solve almost all problems that arise in an extreme situation. Many tourist and hunting Pocket knives can often be attributed to the same category.

Tactical crowbars

Tactical crowbars are the unspoken name of Pocket mastodons, capable of not only punching, chopping, chiseling but also working with powerful levers, an entrenching tool, and even a chisel, which is hit with the strongest blows to apply the blade (tip or cutting edge) maximum impact. 

Such actions are called batoning in slang, and such knives can pierce steel sheets of considerable thickness without harming themselves and split wooden elements. Such knives are usually used by people whose work involves frequent misuse of the knife and are also in the equipment of knife lovers as a mobile tool for survival.

Gentleman's suit knives

In addition to the above knife niches, there is a segment of gentleman's folders, which includes small premium knives, the historical roots of which go back to knives for sharpening pens and pencils, as well as knives for cutting cigars and opening correspondence - the so-called penknives. Such knives are mostly cutters, and their choice belongs to the area of ​​​​personal preferences of certain design and artistic decisions, as well as materials. Based on different tastes and preferences, we will not dwell on the choice of such knives.

In addition, some people buy knives as a stylish premium accessory, released under a high-profile brand or famous master. Such purchases usually serve to form the image of the owner, and their main advantages are belonging to a high-profile brand or the authorship of a famous master, a brutal or creative appearance, and the presence of good mechanics that allow you to effectively throw away the blade surrounded by friends or engage in knife meditation in moments of relaxation. Such knives, depending on the image of their owners, can belong to different knife niches, and here, as in the case of gentleman's knives, one must start from personal preferences.

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