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Intellilens® Navigator Blue Light Glasses | Blue Ray Glasses

Intellilens® Glasses
Intellilens® Navigator Blue Light Glasses | Blue Ray Glasses
  • ADVANCED BLUE CUT TECHNOLOGY | The anti glare glasses for men and women are made of multi-layered CR39 blue cut lenses that block out harmful blue light to ease computer eye strain.
  • STURDY FRAME | Our blue ray glasses for men and women are built with ultra-durable and lightweight TR90 material. Thus, these blue light filtering glasses last long along with providing max comfort.
  • SUPERIOR SPECTACLES FOR MEN & WOMEN | The blue light glasses reduce digital fatigue from your mobiles, computers etc. as these have been precision engineered for effortless eye care.
  • STYLISH & FASHIONABLE | The full frame blue cut glasses for men and women have a trendy design and come with exquisite temples which add to your style quotient in your day-to-day life.

Intellilens® Glasses
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