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Wholesale Kava

Australia Kava Shop
Wholesale Kava

As Kava suppliers, you can buy our wholesale kava powder, whole root, extract and tincture in bulk. Our Australia Kava Shop is high-quality at the lowest prices. This is the type of Vanuatu that New Caledonia imports exclusively from Vanuatu. New Caledonia kava drinkers love the 100% Borogu Clean Skin as it is milder to taste and offers a more heady relaxed effect than other kava types. We love it as a change-up to our other kava types and would love to hear your thoughts on it! New Caledonia is an outlier compared to other South Pacific nations. Why is this? Its because kava is not part of their custom nor is it grown in any large quantities. The only other South Pacific Nation like this is Solomon Islands. Both countries now have kava bars, but there is no traditional or even recent ceremonial or religious us. Kava is enjoyed by both French nationals, Kanaks (New Caledonia Indigenous) and the Wallis and Fortuna Island population. Vanuatu exports over 8 tonnes of Borogu Clean Skin a month to New Caledonia, so its fair to say that the kava scene there is fairly large! If you are interested then visit once on our website.

Australia Kava Shop
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