With a word or character counting, you can easily and quickly find the number of words and letters in a text. This can be useful when you need to write a document that will have a character limit, or when writing a document with some words or special characters.
A counter of words and characters aimed at a wide range of users: from students to journalists or writers, community managers, researchers... These records may require a computer to count the number of paragraphs, sentences, words, or letters in their texts, theses, newspapers, articles, or texts.
word counter - It is a tool to count how many characters, letters, symbols, words, sentences, and paragraphs are in a text.
It's really convenient, easy to use, and gives quick and accurate results!
Try it and you will be very pleased, I'm sure!
How to count words in Word 2003, count word characters
Depending on the work and learning needs of each person, when composing documents in Word, you want to see the total number of words, characters, number of lines and pages of the text you have compiled. But everyone's skills in using Word are different and limited skills are unavoidable. That is why today we will guide you to simply count words in Word without having to download any support software.
Currently there are quite a few versions of Word used by users, and we will guide you from word counter, Word 2003 to Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016. Readers should follow and share the article. write if you find it useful
How To Count Words In Word 2003
Step 1: Highlight the entire paragraph to count the number of words.
Step 2: Next, on the toolbar click Tools and select word counter as shown below.
Step 3: A small dialog box appears with full parameters and you can understand the parameters as follows:
Pages: Count the number of pages
Words: Count the number of words and characters in the text
Character (no spaces): Count characters, excluding spaces
Character (with spaces): Count characters including spaces
- Paragraphs: Count the number of paragraphs in a text page
Lines: Count the number of lines in the document