The women risk their lives to give birth to their miniatures. It is both a thrilling and agonizing experience. Most infants are born without complications, but a few faces health issues such as congenital disabilities and birth injuries. Birth defects occur in the womb, whereas birth injuries occur after birth. Severe birth injuries result in permanent disabilities on all levels: physical, psychological, emotional, and cognitive.
Types of birth injuries
Infants may sustain nerve injuries, brain injuries, and musculoskeletal injuries during birth. Facial nerve injury results in defects in the voluntary movement of the child's face muscles. This could be caused by using forceps to pull the child out of the pelvic bones or by the pressure created by the pelvic bones on the infant's face. When the brain is deprived of oxygen, brain cells suffer damage, which is known as Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE). The infant's muscles and nervous system are affected by cerebral palsy.
Shoulder dystocia occurs when the infant's shoulder becomes trapped between the pelvic bones during birth. When using forceps or vacuum extractors, it is possible to sustain a spinal injury. Injuries to the neck muscles and fractures to the clavicle or femur can occur while twisting the baby to take it out of the womb. An injury to the brachial plexus may result in erb's palsy, which affects the nerves that run from the neck to the arm.
Causes and symptoms of birth injury
Birth injury can be caused by factors such as the mother's obesity, age, diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid issues, and Cephalopelvic disproportion, as well as the baby's obesity, abnormal fetal position, and premature birth. Birth injuries can also occur as a result of the nurse or doctor's negligence during the birth of the infant. Birth injuries can cause difficulty swallowing, crawling, or walking, a lack of fine motor skills, poor eye coordination, seizures, and a delay in reaching milestones.
Medical negligence
Medical malpractice is defined as medical negligence that results in the birth injury. When nurses and physicians fail to provide the mother and infant with the standard of care, they can be sued for medical malpractice. Misdiagnosis or underdiagnosis of the mother's health conditions, mismanagement of obstetric emergencies, and inadequate NICU care can all contribute to birth injuries.
When an infant is injured as a result of the nurse's or physician's medical negligence, the parents have the right to seek compensation. Some states may demand a doctor's affidavit to file a compensation claim. For medical negligence, hospitals, individual providers, obstetricians, nursing staff, other medical staff, and even pharmaceutical companies can be sued.
Medical expenses, physical therapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation costs, special education costs, future medical expenses, loss of income, and pain and suffering can all be claimed by the parents in a birth injury claim. A skilled medical malpractice attorney can take on the healthcare behemoths and secure a sizable settlement for the victims.