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How to Migrate From Lotus Notes to Office 365

eSoftTools Software
How to Migrate From Lotus Notes to Office 365

The most commonly used desktop email client is HCL Notes, also known as Lotus Notes and IBM Notes. A majority of businesses rely on this email client as their primary method of internal communication. It has tightened up its security measures around it. As a desktop client, it offers the most robust set of security safeguards for sending and receiving emails. However, since the launch of cloud-based technologies, most firms are increasingly moving to cloud mailing applications. Microsoft Office 365 is the greatest cloud solution after Lotus Notes for more secure business email processing. Before we get into the process of Lotus Notes to Outlook 365 migration, let's have a look at some of the advantages.

Causes to Migrate From Lotus Notes to Office 365

  • When compared to the Office 365 cloud platform, maintaining Lotus Notes is not cost-effective.
  • When storing mailbox information, IBM notes consume a lot of space from users' drives on other Office 365 saves users' data on cloud storage.

Best Solution to Migrate From Lotus Notes to Office 365

There are many manual techniques for Migrate Lotus Notes to Office 365 that may be found on the internet. However, this procedure has several drawbacks, and only a select few are capable of performing an accurate migration. After noticing this issue, eSoftTools developed the most user-friendly solution to ensure that the Lotus Notes migration procedure is completely secure. Lotus Notes to Office 365 Converter Software is the name of the programme. With the help of this tool, users will be able to easily shift from Lotus Notes to Office 365.

Steps to Migrate From Lotus Notes to Office 365

  • From the options, select the NSF file conversion mode:-

  1.  Single NSF file Conversion:- Click the Select NSF File or Search NSF File buttons to convert a single NSF file.

  1. Bulk NSF file Conversion:- To export mailboxes and email items from many NSF files/folders at the same time.

  • After that, click the “Start Scanning” button to load all of the items in the internal mailbox.

  • Now select the necessary items and select “Import to Office 365” from the menu.

  • The user can now enter their Office 365 login details.

  • Use Date range filter, and input folders names and press the “Connect & Import” button to transfer NSF file to Office 365 account.


Most businesses now wish to move from their desktop-based email clients to Office 365 due to the growing popularity and demand for cloud-based email services. The procedure described above is appropriate for migrating from Lotus Notes to Office 365. If you follow the methods outlined above, you can easily export Lotus Notes mailboxes to your Office 365 account.

eSoftTools Software
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