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Top Tips To Manage the De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Disorder

De Quervains'cure
Top Tips To Manage the De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Disorder

A de Quervain's tenosynovitis disorder is caused by inflammatory conditions. A direct blow to the area can also cause tenosynovitis. Sometimes scar tissue from an injury will cause tendons to have difficulty moving through the tunnel. 

It occurs due to joint stiffness through the upper limb can contribute. Therefore, if you want to treat the disease, you must have the knowledge and understanding for treating the condition. 



  • Pain near the base of the thumb 
  • Swelling in the wrist 
  • Difficult to move the thumb
  • Left untreated, pain can extend along the forearm 
  • Lifting objects with the affected hand 

Treatment of the Disorder

If you want to reduce the cause of irritation of the thumb tendons, here are a few methods to deal with.

  • Stop or change the task that has been identified 
  • If doing repeated hand and thumb actions, take frequent breaks 
  • Avoid repetitive hand motions
  • Aims to keep your wrist in neutral conditions. 

Taping Method 

The de Quervain's tenosynovitis taping aims to support the area often and decrease pain. With this position, the thumb can be corrected, and the tape can be applied over the abductor pollicis longus muscle. 

Gel Wrap 

Before going to bed, recommend applying the gel liberally over the sore area, then covering the area in glad wrap to avoid evaporation. 


Exercises main aim is to strengthen and stabilise the elbow, wrist, and thumb can be beneficial. It is possible that a preceding weakness in muscles around the elbow, wrist, and thumb can contribute. 


Reach out to ZTG for buying the best de Quervain's tenosynovitis taping treatment at home. Taping cures the de Quervain's tenosynovitis disorder in less time so that you can perform all activities. So reach out to us and buy a high-quality product that suits your needs.  

De Quervains'cure
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