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3 Effective Ways to Treat De Quervain’s Tensosynovitis at Home

De Quervains'cure
3 Effective Ways to Treat De Quervain’s Tensosynovitis at Home

De Quervain's tenosynovitis is a disease that affects your tendons and causes them to become inflamed that runs along the side of the wrist that is attached to the base of the thumb. The pain and inflammation in tendons make it difficult to move your thumb and wrist. Its treatment is generally based on reducing inflammation, preserving a moment in the thumb, and preventing reoccurrence: here are some De Quervain’s tenosynovitis home treatment options:


Splints: You can use tape for splinting as it keeps the wrist straight and thumb still in a comfortable position to improve pain. It is more effective if you wear it at night. 


Anti-inflammatory drugs: Drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen can reduce inflammation and pain. You should also use corticosteroid injections into the tendon covering to reduce inflammation. If your treatment begins in the first six months of symptoms, you can recover completely after receiving one corticosteroid injection. 


Self-massage tool: De Quervain's wand is a quick and effective solution as it eradicates your wrist and thumb discomfort. It also delays the need for surgery. With the use of ultrasonic far infrared technology, it restores the moment in your thumb. You can also use jelly to penetrate ultrasonic rays deeper into your skin. It also helps the device to glide smoothly on your skin.  


Pain and swelling make it difficult to move your thumb and wrist, which prevents you from doing daily activities and chores. For De Quervain's home treatment, use De Quervain's wand to restore the movement of your thumb. Visit our website for more detailed information.  

De Quervains'cure
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