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How do insurance premiums vary with renting cottages?

Blogger, Eileen F Yost
How do insurance premiums vary with renting cottages?

Today, the number of cottage owners is very high. People may want to rent out their vacation property or cottage to help cover the cost of ownership. The insurance coverage required for the property is directly related to how you plan to use it. Considerations like how much time you spent there, year-round or for intermittent use, is it a rental property. It is essential to understand that landlord policies do not fully protect you when renting your property. As long as you earn income by renting the property, it is ‌considered for commercial use, and insurance brokers need to understand your rental property intentions. If you think about making the most of your out-of-home home, consider all the information below about rental cottage insurance.

How rental cottage insurance varies from home insurance

A rental cottage must have insurance coverage that reflects commercial use. They use certain risks that require their coverage under a specific insurance policy. Rental cottage insurance covers many aspects of your primary home insurance, including property, content insurance, and liability coverage. However, this is specific to the detriment of rental use. 

The homeowner buys a homeowner's insurance policy. The sum insured usually includes replacing the home and related items such as furniture, appliances, clothing, and jewelry, in the event of a total loss. 

Tenants need to note that the property owner's insurance policy does not protect themselves or their items from damage or destruction. The tenant's insurance policy will reimburse the renter for restoring the lost or damaged property while on the property. It can also extend to modes of transportation that cover stolen items from your car or bikes stolen while you are at work.

What are the various factors an insurance broker evaluates?

An insurance broker wants to know where your cottage is to determine the proximity of emergency services. Your broker will ask you how close you are to a fire hydrant and a fire hall. They will also enquire about the number of smoke detectors in your rental cottage. Your insurance quote may affect how the fire hall works. 

Other factors that brokers consider are occupancy, or how many weeks you will rent your property, and how long you, as the owner, plan to own it. In addition, the insurance broker will check whether you regularly inspect the property and how often. 

Your cottage insurance broker may also be interested in finding out if you rent any recreational equipment along with your cottage. You can have rental watercraft liability coverage in your rental cottage insurance, but it may increase your premium costs. 

Besides the details, your insurance broker will ask about the physical building, its age, type of construction, age and type of roof, and heating and plumbing systems to calculate the approximate value of the content. By evaluating this information, they will choose the ‌policy quotes for you.

Factors affecting premium rate of cottage insurance

Location: Cottage insurance is more expensive than home insurance for a primary stay. Location is always a factor in cottage insurance costs. Most cottages are ‌in remote areas that are not easily accessible to firefighters or other emergency responders. In fire, theft, or other emergencies, excessive damage increases if emergency responders cannot reach your cottage on time. 

Depending on how you use it: A cottage is likely to be vacant for a long time of the year, which increases the risk of excessive damage since there is no one to take care of it immediately.

Evaluating the cost of replacing your cottage: If your rental property catches fire, flooding, or hurricane damage, it is essential to rebuild. The insurance companies will calculate the cost of replacing your cottage when calculating the value of your policy.

Amenities: While relaxing is excellent, pools and hot tubs can put your second home. Suppose you have these or other special facilities in your vacation home. You may have to pay a higher insurance premium and consider additional liability coverage, which will increase the cost of insurance.


You may require purchasing additional coverage if you intend to rent out your vacation home, but your homeowner's insurance costs will increase. Since renting your second home involves more complex risks, it is good to consult with your insurance professional to learn more about renting your home to others. You can find some discounts on rental cottage insurance. Although the liability associated with your rental cottage may be higher than the personal use entertainment item, you may receive a quote from one of our brokers for coverage that best suits your use.

Blogger, Eileen F Yost
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