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How to Set up Your Office Chair

Maya Physio
How to Set up Your Office Chair

Sitting for extended periods of time can cause pretty bad back pain, especially when you are sitting in a chair that is not lined to your body. Choosing the proper office chair can help reduce (and in some cases eliminate) common injuries that are related to office work. When calibrating your office chair, it is important that deep seating still provides a gap of roughly four fingers from the back of the knee to the edge of the seat. The height of your chair should be set so that your feet touch the ground and your knees are bent at around a 70 Degree angle while deep sitting. Arm rests should be adjusted to allow the shoulders to be level and muscles to be relaxed once the elbows are placed. Other features such as proper back support with lumbar cushioning and foot rests are also important in maintaining proper posture and overall back health.

If advice is beneficial but not enough, and you are looking for Physiotherapy in Richmond Hill, look no further because we here at Maya Physio have just what you need. For years, our team has helped people bring their body back to their optimal state, and in turn their overall wellbeing and mental state. To find out more about our services and how we can help, be sure to visit our website today!

Learn More: https://mayaphysio.ca/blog/how-to-set-up-your-office-chair/

Maya Physio
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