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Get Guaranteed Pass Plus Training Courses in Swindon

Just Right Driving
Get Guaranteed Pass Plus Training Courses in Swindon

Improve your driving skills with our pass plus training driving course and take your driving to the next level. This is hands-on training that takes at least 6 hours to complete. Pass plus is a practical training course that takes a minimum of 6 hours to complete and is designed for drivers to improve their skills. Only a fully qualified driving instructor can deliver the course and they must be registered to do so with the DVSA. Pass Plus consists of 6 modules, each of them designed to give the driver experience driving: Candidates are taught to increase their attentiveness, making you as confident as possible. You will be taught to navigate through difficult junctions, multi-lane junctions, trams, buses and cycle lanes and under and overpasses. This module helps candidates understand how varying weather conditions can affect a car and how to tackle any and every type of condition from extreme rain to snow to a hazy fog. You will also perfect your skills in preventing skids, aquaplanning, correcting slow speed skids and braking on low quality surfaces. Driving in the countryside has its perks, these include the risk of blind bends and brows and challenging overtaking. During trips on rural roads, you are likely to tackle horse riders, pedestrians, cyclists on the side of the road, farm and building entrances, more frequent use of the horn, safe passing places, road debris, and livestock and wild animals. Ideally, you’ll learn how to improve on your skills of foresight to predict a potential danger before it occurs. This module is designed to boost the candidates confidence of getting used to night-time dazzle and distractions, plus judging distance and manoeuvring in the dark. It also helps with adjusting to the different light levels, and how to correctly use headlights. The skill of driving in the dark is a great help and extremely useful especially as it’s something you’ve got to get used to anyways. To know more visit us at - http://www.justrightdriving.co.uk/pass-plus-training

Just Right Driving
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