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Enhance your business with the help of the data pipeline

Enhance your business with the help of the data pipeline


  1. What is a data pipeline?
  2. Why do you need a data pipeline in your business?
  3. Data pipeline benefits?
  4. Process of data pipeline?
  5. Nutshell

What is a data pipeline?

Data pipeline is a process. The process that possesses data moving from one place to another place is called a data pipeline. For instance, just consider a pipe or tube. Using a tube, when it rains, we save the water for future uses. A same example applied in the data pipeline . make it possible below aspect, when you are using the data pipeline.

  1. Grow your business significantly
  2. understand your customer needs even better
  3. Easily analyzes your product flaws

A data pipeline is an accumulate raw data from a manifold database. Furthermore, the data is sent to the specific system. With the help of the tool, the raw-data analyzed.

Why do you need a data pipeline in your business?

Time saving

Large data converts into useful information

Have a possible human mistake in project

Time saving :

When you are doing some work again and again in your project, it consumes extra time. So, it completely saves the time of repeatable work or tasks.

Large data converts into useful information :

Information has played a crucial role in every business and industry, alias data. Without accurate data, not possible to identify user behaviors, user activity. Manually not possible to split the large data into accessible. So, data pipelines are an easy way to segregate all data and convert it into useful information. It provides accurate, reliable, data.

Have a possible human mistake in project :

Whenever humans do any work, it has created some unexpected mistakes in the project. It reflects in data. So, using a data pipeline avoids major mistakes.

Benefits of data pipelines :

  1. Data security
  2. Improves data qualities
  3. Increases productivity

Data security :

Nowadays, technology is growing rapidly and at the same time, technology has provided manifold data loot ways to hackers. If a hacker loots any corporate data, he can sell that data at a profitable price. Furthermore, in the market he can disclose all details about data. If any company is affected by data breach, it is not easy to overcome. Data security is an important aspect in every industry. Data pipeline provides enhanced data security services to users.

Improves data qualities:

With the help of data pipelines could immensely improve data quality. Just consider an online purchase platform. “N” number of sales and product views are happening on Flipkart and Amazon. Based on the data, using data pipeline, Amazon and Flipkart analyzes below aspect

1. Where the user left

2. where the user feels inconvenient. Furthermore,

3. understand the customer even better.

So, this way of analysis is happening in all industries using data pipelines.

Increases productivity:

When we are doing any work, we just again and again, cross-check the information or work. So, it is consuming extra time. No more double checking, when you are using the datapipe method.

Process of data pipeline:


This place starts the extract of the business data from various sources, it may be internal or external sources.


Destination is an end point of a data pipeline. In this place, there are two types of datastores. It helps for analysis purposes.

Data warehouse

Data lake

According to the business, the operations vary.


It has numerous steps involved, like an ascending , corroborate, verify. Its main focus is to extract data from the source and convert it into an useful format. Moreover, data is sent to the destination. This process is called an ELT ( extract, load, transform).


Monitoring is a vital aspect, also called quality assurance process. If there is any flaw in the process with help of the monitoring can easily rectify that.


Need a technical team to build data pipelines. However, Heliosz understands your business goals and requirements along with providing exceptional data pipeline services to various industries.

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