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Why Startups Need A Brand Guide

Crazy Tok
Why Startups Need A Brand Guide

The value of an identifiable logo cannot be overstated. A brand’s content marketing strategy initiatives are based on a set of guidelines that reflect the brand’s personality and dynamic. Following these guidelines makes it easy to build a strong brand. As a company consolidates, its content practices evolve into a brand style sheet so as to maintain consistency in content output.

Why Have Brand Guidelines? 

Your brand elements are your interface to the general public and therefore, the first image of your brand. Marketing strategy these days recognises that brand guidelines ensure long-term brand visibility. Branding elements such as colours, visuals including design and font, and the language of your brand’s communication become its unique differentiators over time. This is essential since it sets your brand apart from your competitors. Using brand guidelines ensures consistency in communication and promotes a brand’s identity.

Components Of Brand Guidelines

A style guide for your brand would primarily include:

1. A colour palette, including primary, secondary and tertiary colours

2. Visual elements such as font, size, formatting and spacing

3. Language and tone

Read more at: https://crazytok.online/why-startups-need-a-brand-guide/

Crazy Tok
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