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Tiptop Convent School

Education has been one of the most important factors in our society. As it empowers

every individual to stand on his or her own feet and make a mark for themselves in this

challenging world. We here at Tiptop convent focus on the overall development of our

students so that it helps them in developing critical skills like decision-making, mental

agility, problem-solving, and logical thinking, and also develops personality and attitude

which determines the quality of an individual's life.

Tiptop Convent. is in the field of Schooling for more than 25 years. The school started

with pre-primary classes and has grown up to Higher Secondary having State Board

affiliated school. Moreover, the school is having exclusive Pre-Primary unit of

International Standard at Bhausaheb Survey Nagar, Nagpur. Presently, the Classes from

Nursery to Standard XII are being held at Deendayal Nagar. The school's mission is to

maximize the potential of each child by fostering a love of learning in a challenging and

balanced environment. And also utilizing educational software, Imported worksheets,

LCD projector, Network of CCTVs & Computers across the school, our experienced

educators motivate the students to perform at their peak.Students receive individual

attention, yet also benefit from group interactions, such as discussions, sharing ideas,

and presentations all of which build confidence and teach mutual respect. Students

follow a mastery system that encourages the completion of their current work to 100%

comprehension before moving on to the next level of instruction. Teachers work closely

with students to ensure a thorough understanding of and comfort with the task or

subject at hand. Regular homework assignments, designed to reinforce daily lessons,

begin in the lower grades and gradually become more challenging. They are structured

to develop the student's study habits, sense of responsibility, and time-management

skills.Technology is an indispensable element of today's society. Therefore, it is critical

to learn basic technology skills at an early age. Our students are taught keyboarding, as

well as the fundamentals of computer use, and are encouraged to use classroom

computers to complete assignments. We also utilize various software programs to

complement in-class instruction and reinforce academic skills. When combined with

ongoing teacher assessments, regular test results allow us to monitor overall progress

and adjust your child's curriculum accordingly. Our staff communicates regularly with

families to keep them well-informed of their children's progress.

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