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Quick Service for your Vehicle in Qatar

Orient Tech
 Quick Service for your Vehicle in Qatar

About Orient Tech

Orienttech provides you the quick service in just 60 minutes, By utilizing the latest technologies we encompassing service like Wheel balancing, Wheel alignment, Breakpad, Tire repair work, AC filters, Battery Service with the expertise guaranteed premium quality service in 60 min for any vehicle.

Orienttech W.L.L. is a well established and fast growing trading companies in the country of Qatar.Our line of business involves wholesale and Retail supply of Automotive spares, Racking and Shelving products.

Ensuring exceptional product and market knowledge the company excels in delivering objectives of customer satisfaction to the highest esteem. Orienttech W.L.L. represents an extensive range of major international brands and products each supported with dedicated sales team.

We are a team of professionals licensed, experienced and motivated to responsible and truthful performance. We as a team will be able to assist you in every facet of your task. Affordable cost and value for money products qualify our products and Services.

Goals & Objectives

Orienttech W.L.L. aims at making an effective contribution to the economic development in Qatar and the quality of life of Qatari nationals and the expatriate community at large.

We are committed to a business plan to enter into strategic alliance,franchises,agency representations and other associations that shall help diversify the company’s portfolio, synergize its operations, maximize efficiencies and maintain highest quality standards.


Orient Tech
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