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Online Income Tax Calculator | How to Calculate Income Tax

Harvey Specter
Online Income Tax Calculator | How to Calculate Income Tax

An income tax calculator can be used to calculate how much tax one will owe under the old and new tax regimes. Salary, rent, tuition fees, student loan interest, and other savings are used to calculate an individual's tax liability.

Compared to the old scheme, the new scheme shows a higher tax rate. Additionally, it suggests investment opportunities based on the individual's tax liability. An online tax calculator is a convenient tool that you can use. As it is simple to understand, anyone can calculate their tax liability with it.

What Is the Process of Calculating Taxes?

In addition to the taxpayer's tax slab, income tax is calculated according to the taxpayer's net income. Using the following steps, you can calculate your income tax for any financial year 2022–23:

The first thing you need to do is calculate your gross total income:

You must calculate the gross total income under each income head. Salary income is calculated by adding the total gross salary received from the employer during the financial year. On your Form 16, you will find your gross salary. Your employer will issue Form 16 to you after the end of the financial year. You should also calculate,

  • Income from capital gains
  • Income from house property
  • Earnings from your business or profession
  • A variety of other sources of income

Claiming exemptions and deductions is the second step:

Based on your income, deduct all the exemptions, allowances, and deductions you are eligible for.

  • Salary income exemptions, allowances, and deductions
  • Rent from houses can be deducted
  • Income from a business or profession that can be deducted
  • Reductions based on gross income

Thirdly, the net taxable income has to be calculated:

Make sure you subtract the exemptions, allowances, and deductions from the gross income. You will be able to deduct this amount from your net taxable income for the year. As a result, net taxable income will need to be calculated and taxed.

As a fourth step, we need to calculate the amount of tax we owe:

Determine the tax payable for FY 2022–23 based on the applicable income tax slab rate.

Harvey Specter
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