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English cream golden retriever puppies for sale in Indiana

Indiana Goldens
English cream golden retriever puppies for sale in Indiana

English cream golden retriever puppies for sale, available at Indiana Goldens. These puppies are loving, adorable, relaxed, intelligent, playful, and loyal pets. We have a large family of retrievers who are trained to make them perfect family pets. Our upcoming Litters are Molly & Major's puppies are due to arrive on 7-20-22 one female & three male reservations are available here at the price of $3,500. If you wish to choose a dog for your family, please fill out the pet application and we'll soon get back to you.  Visit us at indianagoldens.com & call us at 260-463-2417.

English cream golden retriever puppies have a beautiful near-white color that understandably attracts a lot of attention. Many people claim that the English golden retriever puppies are a healthier, friendlier breed than the traditional golden retriever, we feel this is more attributable to the differences between the European vs. the American bloodlines and the level of related ancestors in those bloodlines (see the Health Topics page). European or American, they all share the same excellent breed characteristics of being intelligent, intuitive family friendly pets and working dogs.  

We are accepting reservations on our 2022 puppies, as well as early 2023 puppies (for those who like to plan ahead)! Please be aware that we reserve the first 6 - 7 puppies in a litter, but there may be more or less puppies born than are reserved. If there are less, puppy reservations will be based on the date the deposit was received. A deposit is also required if you wish to be on the list as a back up reservation.

Indiana Goldens
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