Have you ever thought about hiring a security guard? Hiring a security guard can be a massive challenge – but if you want to get the most from your decision, it’s important to consider the following five questions to help inform your choice.
5 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Bristol Security Guard
Hiring the right security guard is essential if you want to protect your premises. And, as a professional Bristol security team ourselves, we pride ourselves on delivering some of the most thorough protection possible. But, whether you hire our team or an in-house security staff member, the questions you must ask remain the same.
#1 What is Your Experience?
One of the first questions you should ask your new security guard is simple: what is their experience in protecting businesses like yours? Invariably, experience is one of the most vital aspects of professional security, and without it, you might find your chosen security guard struggles to deliver an effective level of support.
#2 What is Their Fitness Program?
Let’s be honest – one of the most crucial skills for a security guard, when it comes to it, is fitness. After all, a security guard will be on the go all day, patrolling the premises and deterring unwanted guests. As such, a high level of fitness and endurance is vital to enable this!
#3 Do They Know How to Make a Citizen’s Arrest?
While your security guard won’t directly have the ability to arrest someone, they may be able to provide a citizen’s arrest. In turn, ensuring your chosen security guard understands a citizen’s arrest and how it works is integral – just in case they need to stop someone in the act of committing a crime.
#4 What Makes Them Your Right Choice?
Sometimes, asking your new security guard why they think they would be an ideal new team member can be a highly valuable option. While most of us don’t like speaking too highly about ourselves, this question can enable your business to find a security guard who knows their own strengths and weaknesses – potentially making them more effective for protecting your property. It is also a good practise to contact your local Security company in Bristol to discuss and find out more about the candidate in question.
#5 How Would You Handle a Certain Scenario?
A final crucial question to ask your new security guard is how they would handle a certain scenario. If your business has faced security threats in the past, this is especially valuable to ask. For example, it can determine whether your chosen guard will provide an effective service for deterring vandals and thieves. It is very important that the Security guard is well trained and geared up to handle any unexpected situation without putting himself and others in danger.