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FAQ: Why Myopia Correction Lens is a Must

Better Vision
FAQ: Why Myopia Correction Lens is a Must

Myopia or nearsightedness is the most common cause of impaired eyesight for people under 40. Global studies indicate a progressive increase, and predictions imply about half of the world suffering from myopia by the year 2050. The increase in people needing a myopia correction lens or glasses results in more people asking questions. Here is a list of frequently asked questions about myopia and correction.

#1 Can you classify myopia as a disease?

Myopia is a disease since it affects the ability of the eyes to focus on distant things when too long, too short, or bends light unevenly. The inaccuracy focuses light in front of the retina rather than towards the centre of the eye. It is why buying corrective glasses or daily contact lenses from optical shops in Singapore is necessary.

#2 Can you treat myopia?

There is currently no cure for myopia. No medication can prevent myopia from developing or cure it once it has appeared. Eye physicians can utilise various treatments to halt myopia or minimise refractive errors like contact lenses and glasses. Search for a spectacles shop near me to find the nearest eyewear store that offers corrective eyewear. 

#3 Can myopia progress with age?

Some myopia problems remain relatively steady every year, while others deteriorate with time. The eyeball may continue to stretch over time, worsening the refractive defect at the root of myopia. Progressive myopia is more prevalent in youngsters since their eyes are still maturing and generally slows or even ceases when they reach 20.

Better Vision is well-known for more than just manufacturing high-quality spectacles. They also fuse the most recent prescription glasses, coloured contact lenses, and designer eyewear trends. You may find their locations by searching for an optical shop near me in your preferred search engine. Better Vision also offers contact lens selections online to clients in Singapore.

Resource: https://sites.google.com/view/bettervision-stack/infographics

Better Vision
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