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Print Ads: Include Flyer & Door Hanger Distribution in Your Marketing Mix

Stravros Christo
Print Ads: Include Flyer & Door Hanger Distribution in Your Marketing Mix

Marketing and advertising are the two most essential aspects of running a business. It helps you expand your customer base, increases brand awareness, and drives growth by boosting sales. It is a necessary investment that, if done the right way using proper elements, assures a high ROI. Now, there are various marketing techniques that a business can use to boost engagement with the target audience and increase sales. 

These days due to rapid digitization, most business owners are relying on online marketing techniques, using search engines and social media channels to reach out to their customers. While these techniques are known to work quite effectively, one should not abandon traditional methods like door hanger & flyer distribution in High Rockies & Pueblo.   

Effectiveness of Flyer & Door Hanger Distribution 

Print ads are still relevant in generating traction and brand awareness for businesses, especially if you are trying to get an instant response from your target audience. Let’s give you an example; suppose you run a salon and you are introducing a new kind of facial, and as an introductory offer you are slashing the price. 

To attract more people you can start distributing flyers within the local community and you will get a positive response from them. It will not only encourage your existing clients to get facial appointments but there is a high chance that you will get some new clients as. That’s how effective print ads like flyer & door hanger distribution in Pueblo & High Rockies are.  

Print Marketing Tips for Business Promotion

There are different ways that you can use print advertising to the benefit of your business, such as:

  • You can put an ad in the local newspaper to grab some local attention from your target audience. 
  • In smaller communities like the High Rockies, flyer distribution can do wonders for your business. You can start by getting in touch with a local marketing company to design and print an attractive flyer for you. Once that’s done, you can proceed by distributing the flyers across the community to get some attention from the customers. 
  • You can also resort to door hanger distribution. Just like the flyers, you can print the door hangers with your marketing message and then get them delivered to the doorstep of your target audience. When they will find it hanging from their residential door knob, it will be hard to ignore or miss. 

Print marketing is cost-effective and its production time is lesser than other forms of marketing like television ads, online promotions, etc. It also generates instant results, unlike others, which might take more time.


When planning your marketing strategy don’t forget to include flyer distribution and door hanger distribution in the mix. It will help you expand the reach of your promotions locally, keeping you one step ahead of the competitors.

Stravros Christo
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