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Education with entertainment, the best gift for kids

Education with entertainment, the best gift for kids

The modern world is highly inclined to technology and the digital world. The increased use of electronic gadgets has dropped an impact on the kids too. Nowadays, even kids are well aware of all the features available on these gadgets like tablets, smart phones, and computers. The gaming industry keeps flourishing by getting kids engaged in their universe of imagination and fun.

The usability of electronic gadgets by kids is a matter to worry about for the parents as excessive use of these has much harm to the eyes. Being involved in mobile gaming has taken off the place of outdoor games which helped children in their overall physical and mental growth. How about an alternative that is engaging, creative as well as educational, that would entertain the kids as well as provide them with basic health knowledge?

What can be the best alternative to electronic gadgets for kids?

Comic books have been kids’ favorite for a very long time. The creative animations and engaging texts in a comic book are liked by kids and are also beneficial for them. A children’s health magazine can be the best alternative that would keep kids entertained as well as educate them about basic health so that they would learn new things and also will be entertained both in the same package.

What is a healthy book for kids?

Comic books have animated graphics that are meant just for entertainment purposes while healthy books contain animations and aim at educating kids about basic health. Being of such importance, kids should be introduced to such books to keep them off from screens that damage their eyesight and consumes much time.

Benefits of healthy books

Now that the concept of healthy books for kids is made clear, let us have a look at some of the major benefits of healthy kids’ books:

  • Engaging content: The animations included in these books are quite entertaining and the characters are made keeping in mind that they are liked by kids, the readers.

  • Education with fun: The content included in these books aims at educating the kids with specific concepts of health in a manner that feels less like textbook reading and more fun.

  • Keeps away from screens: The concept of introducing kids to such books provides another advantage of keeping kids away from screens.

The healthy books for kids are a great gift when it comes to giving something that serves a dual purpose of educating as well as keeping the kids entertained.

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