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The Complete Guide to Prepare for CLAT Without Coaching

The Complete Guide to Prepare for CLAT Without Coaching

The Complete Guide to Prepare for CLAT Without Coaching

This article will educate you about “How to Prepare for CLAT without Coaching”. Preparation can be performed with coaching as well as without coaching. However, Coaching is necessary to Kick-Start the preparation through exclusive guidance, comprehensive study materials, etc. Before diving deep into the topic let us understand the underlying of the CLAT Exam. 

What is CLAT and Why is it Important?

In India, the CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) exam is considered one of the toughest exams. CLAT Exam is conducted by the Consortium of NLUs (National Law Universities) every year in May or June. This Law Entrance exam has a duration of 2 Hours. Through this Law Entrance exam, qualified students can confer admission to various top 22 NLUs in India. 

In the current era, where Law is the most trending and lucrative career option. Every other student is interested to know about the practices and working of the judiciary system. As a result, they want to make their vocation in this field only. After the inclusion in this law field, you can take part in the prominent and reputed positions of our branches of the Indian government. i.e. Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. Hence, for the judiciary section professional and high qualified judges are appointed. Besides this, you can also join PSUs (Public Sector Undertakings), the Private sector, etc.

How to Prepare for CLAT Without Coaching

Now, let us analyze the preparation methodology on “How to Prepare for CLAT Without Coaching”. The latest study revealed that most of the Aspirants join the Best Law coaching at a preferred location to kick start their preparation. But that does not mean, preparation without coaching is pointless. There are dozens of examples where the students have cleared the exam without coaching. However, to clear this law entrance exam. You need to follow and strictly adhere to the strategy discussed below:

Familiarize yourself with the exam syllabus and exam pattern

Before preparing a proper study plan for the exam. You must first analyze the exam pattern and syllabus of the CLAT exam. Then according to the syllabus decide what are your weaker sections and strong sections. Categorize them and go through each section properly. Hence, this section is crucial and must not be avoided. Otherwise, in the future preparation section, you may face difficulties in organizing. 

Define an outlay of strategy

There is a saying that “Even a foolish with a plan can outperform a genius without a plan”. So, making a framework of our planning to prepare for the exam. This will narrow down your preparation to specific areas as scheduled. You must also ensure that the areas must be designed considering your weakness and strengths. What are the areas in which you need to give more and others less? However, keep in mind to draft feasible and achievable targets as per your need and comfort. And also make amendments as per your need. 

Attempt Multiple Mock Tests

Mock Tests are the main ingredient to ascertain the hindering topic or subjects in our performance. Learning and memorizing the concepts is important but don’t forget to check its implications through the mock tests. Not only this but it is also useful in skillfully analyzing the time management meter. So, attempt as many mock tests as you can to get better results soon. 

Take Online Assistance

While preparing for the exam you may stumble at some topics or concepts. So, it would be better if you subscribe to some educational YouTube channels or some coaching Online sessions. This platform will crater your problems regarding the topics. Their weekly toppers sessions can be “Encouragement Fillers” to boost your preparation. 

Test Your Performance Scale

These performance checkers act as “Check Points” in your preparation plan. Through these checkpoints, you can evaluate your performance. As per your Evaluation, you can make amendments to your preparation plan. Check-in which areas you need to work on more and less. 

What are the Best Books and Resources to Prepare for CLAT?

The Best Books for CLAT Preparation are given below section-wise are:

English Language Section:

Sl. No.




Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis


English is Easy

Chetan Anand Singh


English Grammar & Composition

Wren & Martin


Barron’s Pocket Guide for Vocabulary

Green Sharon Weiner


Objective English

RS Aggarwal

Current Affairs and General Knowledge Section:

Sl. No.




Pearson General Knowledge

Edgar Thorpe


Lucent’s General Knowledge

Dr.Binay Karna


India Year Book

Pavneet Singh


Manorama Year Book

Mammen Mathew


Pratiyogita Darpan Samsamayik

Pratiyogita Darpan



The Hindu

The Telegram

Hindustan Times

The Indian Express

Logical Reasoning Section:

Sl. No.




Verbal & Nonverbal Reasoning

RS Aggarwal


Analytical Reasoning

MK Pandey

Legal Reasoning Section:

Sl. No.




Acts of Indian Constitution

D.K. Singh





Legal Awareness and Legal Aptitude

Amandeep Rajgotra


Universal’s CLAT Guide 

A.P. Bhardwaj

Quantitative Techniques Section:

Sl. No.




Quantitative Aptitude 

RS Aggarwal


Class 10th NCERT Textbook


Elementary Mathematics With Numerical Ability

K.J.S Khurana

What are the Best Online Sources for Preparation for CLAT?

As we are moving towards a globalized world. Every concept or market starting to move from the offline to online mode. In this current world, everyone can have access to an ample number of information via the internet in any corner of the world. Meanwhile, even the coaching institutes are also switching to the online mode of education to counter the stringent curriculum of this competitive exam. Benefits of online studying:

  • Accessibility
  • Convenience
  • Recorded Lectures
  • 24x7 assistance, etc. 

Given are the list of coaching institutes and sources that provides online assistance:

1. LegalEdge by TopRankers (More than 15 years of experience in mentoring and teaching)

2. Success Mantra (Inclusion of Daily news editorials and quizzes)

3. Law Prep Tutorial (More than 19 years of experience)

4. CLAT Possible (Inclusion of online group discussion and doubt clearing sessions)

5. HitBullsEye (20+ Years of Experience)

6. Various YouTube Channels such as Unacademy Law, Top Rankers, Lawions by Exampur, etc. 


After going through the above article, you must be clear with the question “How to Prepare for the CLAT without coaching?”. History is an example, there are dozens of students who have cleared the exam without coaching. Coaching as a sheer medium can be helpful for your preparation but it is not compulsory.

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