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How to open password protected 7zip file with password?

eSoftTools Software
How to open password protected 7zip file with password?

If you want to open password protected 7zip file with a password and find the best 7z unlocker to solve your problem, so I recommend to reading this blog and get the solution of your issues. 

What is a 7z file?

7z is a file extension for compressing numerous data in a single file. It is similar to further archive format such as RAR, ZIP, and more formats but 7z help to free up space on your hard drive with the high compression used when archiving. 

How to open password protected 7zip file with password?

Sometimes users can protect the 7z file with a strong password, but users lost and forget their password for multiple reasons and they find a third-party tool to open their password-protected 7z file. And searching for the best solution so Today I am here to advise you eSoftTools 7z Password Recovery software for recovering and 7z file password and unlocking 7z files with any kind of password combination.

Why do you go with eSoftTools 7z Password Recovery Software?

I recommend you eSoftTools 7z password recovery software that helps to open password-protected 7z files with passwords. It is easy to use because it comes with a user-friendly graphical user interface that helps technical and non-technical users to operate the software without any effort. It is capable of unlocking any kind of 7z file such as numeric(4343244), alphabetic(fdlikawdgf), symbolic(&^%$@!#), mix password(GHJ^#CFvfhh453fg5#@), and multi-language within some click of the mouse. It recovers and unlocks 7z file passwords with three technology-based methods such as Brute Force Attack, Mask Attack, and Dictionary Attack.

  • Brute Force Attack: With the help of this Brute Force Attack, users can open any complicated and multilanguage passwords with some click of a mouse and time.

  • Mask Attack: If the user knows some letters of the 7z file password, so with the use of the Mask Attack, users can unlock missing characters of the password of the 7z file. 

  • Dictionary Attack: It has an inbuilt dictionary file to recover the 7z file password and also uses the user’s personal password list to find the correct password.  

Free Demo Version

With the help of the free demo version, users can know the working process and recover the whole password of the 7z file but the free demo version shows you only starting three characters of 7z file password free of cost. 

Working process of eSoftTools 7z Password Recovery Software—

Step 1:- Download eSoftTools 7z password recovery software then clicks on browse file button to select 7z file

Step 2:- Then you can select one recovery attack out of these three, according to their 7z file password

  1. Brute force Attack
  2. Mask Attack
  3. Dictionary Attack

Step 3:- Click on “Next button” to start the recovery process.

Step 4:- After the recovery, you can copy your password to the clipboard


eSoftTools 7z Password Recovery Software can smoothly open password-protected 7z files with password without losing a little bit of 7z file data. In this blog, you can know about the software and know the working process of this tool. It also provide 30 day money return guarantee and technical support 24*7 with online chat option.

eSoftTools Software
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