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What Exactly Is Badger Curb Maker, and What Are Its Benefits?

What Exactly Is Badger Curb Maker, and What Are Its Benefits?

Curb Maker Badger CM4600

This unique machine is intended to form and finish curbs after another product has stripped the flatwork. This innovative machine increases user efficiency while decreasing the need for additional equipment, transportation, and labor. Badger Curb Maker, which is battery-powered and lightweight, produces high-quality and consistent concrete placement results.


Badger Curb Maker's Distinctive Features

·       Mechanism

·       Switches easily between any of your curb maker drum profiles

·       Contains a directional button and variable speed lever which gives the operator good control of the machine.

·       Also contains a 3-position adjustable handle which provides a comfortable offset.

Curb Roller is a leading provider of concrete shaping equipment, offering curb machines, modular pipes, pavement rollers, hydraulic rollers, and a variety of other products.

Do you need high-quality concrete shaping tools and single-operator curb machines? Don't look any further. Curb Roller is a leading provider of concrete shaping equipment, offering flume rollers, curb tools, flume drums, and a variety of other products at competitive prices.

Designed to seamlessly shape and finish curbs after another product screeds flatwork, this innovative machine supports user efficiency and reduces the need for extra equipment, transportation and labor. The Badger Curb Maker, is battery-powered and lightweight, and delivers high-quality, uniform results for concrete pours.

Features & Specifications

•  Battery Powered

•  One-Push Directional Change

•  Right Or Left Hand Speed Control

•  Adjustable Guide Ring Ensures Uniform Curbs

•  All-Steel Protective Housing

•  Interchangeable Drums

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