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User Guide to Best Facial Roller

User Guide to Best Facial Roller

Do you want healthy, young-looking, and bright facial skin? To accomplish this goal, an effective skincare routine is a must. It offers you an excellent opportunity to pamper your skin while enjoying a relaxing time. The best facial roller or eye roller is an integral aspect of it.

The best eye roller or facial roller is the recent rage in the skincare industry that helps to depuff the face and alleviates inflammation. It's not a new technique but can be traced back thousands of years to ancient China.

  • What is the Right Technique for Using a Facial Roller?

Are you wondering about the correct technique to use the best facial roller? Read on to find more:

Step 1: Before massaging your face with a facial or best eye roller, apply moisturizer, serum, or facial oil. If you don't lubricate your skin, the roller can tug or pull your skin. It can contribute to wrinkles.

Step 2: Start at your neck and then roll upward. For best results, you should roll up.

Step 3: With gentle pressure, roll the facial massager from your jawline towards your ear on both sides. Continue this motion from your jaw to your cheekbone.

Step 4: Massage the facial roll from your forehead towards your hairline. It would be best to use the tool only in the upward direction. 

Step 5: Roll the flat facial massager over your eyebrows horizontally. It will feel relieving and relaxing if you are suffering from a headache. 

  • What Are the Expert's Tips For Using Facial Roller

Facial rollers are an excellent tool that offers you ultimate perks. From reducing wrinkles to uplifting your mood, it provides tangible perks. However, you can avail of all these advantages only if you use the tool properly. We bring you expert tips on the same:

Tip #1: The facial roller is most effective on freshly cleaned skin. Thus, wash your face before using the roller.

Tip #2: If you want a cooling effect to address the skin inflammation, keep the best eye roller in a refrigerator the night before. 

Tip #3: Use the facial roller to apply the oils, serums, or moisturizer evenly on your skin. It improves the penetration of skin care products.

Tip #4: The direction you roll the facial roller matters. Massage the roller outwards from the center of your face. To decrease the puffiness, roll it away from your eyes. 

Tip #5: You should resist the urge to roll back and forth. It will not improve the blood flow to your face.

Tip#6: Don't roll the facial massager on your face too aggressively. If your skin is fragile, it can easily get bruised. 

Tip #7: You only need to massage your face for 5 minutes with a facial roller daily. Using it for a longer time won't give you different results. 

Tip #8: You should always clean your facial roller with rubbing alcohol after every use. It will clean any product residue. 

Bottom Line

Gently massaging the facial roller on your clavicle, neck, and face will help increase the blood flow, stimulate lymphatic drainage and decrease puffiness. Consider the tips shared above before using them. 


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