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MSME Solutions - Recover Payment Dues from Buyers

MSME Solutions - Recover Payment Dues from Buyers

Are you struggling to recover your payment dues from buyers? Know more about MSME Solutions strategies for business owners to recover payments dues.


Delay Payment Solutions


Defaulter Register


MSME payment recovery

MSME Samadhaan helpline

MSME solutions

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delayed payments

Report Default committed by your Buyer

Accurate information of your buyer will ensure that we contact at the correct email and Mobile with your buyer for an early resolution on your reported delayed payments.

The supporting documents to be uploaded by you related to default being committed by your buyer will enable us for an early approval of the default to be able to contact the buyer.

We will contact the buyer for an early resolution of the reported default

We shall approach your buyer on your behalf for an early payment. Buyers have the liberty to submit their documents also.

Due Diligence of any proposed customer

Now you have the power to conduct due diligence to know the credit behavior of your proposed customer before supplying any goods, providing any services or extending any credit.

Register and Update your Profile with Required Documents

You can login anytime with the OTP on your Mobile. Hence, Register with correct Mobile number.

NoDefaulters.com is an initiative of Indian MSME Helpline Private Limited. We have deep rooted expertise in the MSME domain. We are passionate about providing online hassle free services to the MSMEs, so that they may concentrate on their business activities.

We have observed that the biggest problem of MSMEs and other enterprises is the recovery of Stuck up and delayed payments from their buyers. It adversely affects the cash flow and the ability to trade, particularly by the MSMEs. Many MSMEs have been forced to shut their businesses due to delayed payments from their buyers.

Our vision is to have a country with zero commercial defaults and disputes. At NoDefaulters.com, the sellers may submit the details of the commercial defaults by their buyers against the supply of goods or services. The default will immediately be informed to the respective buyers so that they may offer to pay to avoid their name under Defaulters List at NoDefaulters.com, as the same will be visible to all registered users.

The Buyers will also be able to submit their response on any default against them.

We at NoDefaulters.com also offer to provide Conciliation/ Arbitration services, if required by both the parties.

NoDefaulters.com will also assist the suppliers in conducting due-diligence of their proposed buyers. Before entering into any commercial transaction, the sellers are advised to search the pending default cases against their buyers / proposed buyers and the status thereof, to be able to take a more informed logical decision.

Our Mission Statement

To have a country with zero commercial defaults.

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