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Steps to Form a Successful Backup Strategy

momoy sa punsoy
Steps to Form a Successful Backup Strategy

However, backing up without a strategy is very much a shot in the dark. Backup planning isn’t only about making a copy of your data.

It is also about being able to restore this data when needed. To guarantee recovery, you have to choose suitable storage options, diversify your backup destinations, set clear goals, test your backups, automate the backup process and manage your data.

Step 1: Define Your Goals and Objectives

First and foremost, define your data backup and recovery priorities. You have to clearly set two key concepts: recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO). These parameters determine the downtime you can afford and the amount of data you can afford to lose in the worst scenario, respectively. Being realistic is crucial for your backup planning.

Step 2: Choose Suitable Storage Options

After you have defined the essential components of your backup strategy, it’s time to find your approach to backup storage. Mainly:

  • What backup storages cover your needs?
  • Do you need fast access to the backups for your business operations?

The backup storage selection is crucial for a successful backup strategy. You should consider the following factors: security, accessibility and cost-efficiency. 

Step 3: Think Beyond Your Office Computers

Of course, your desktops, laptops and servers in the office have to be backed up, but that’s not all.

While office workstations and servers may have most of your critical information, you also have to consider business data stored on your employee’s computers and mobile devices, along with corporate storage networks, cloud-hosted resources, emails and your website.

Step 4: Automate Your Lifecycle Operations

A successful data backup strategy can’t exist without automation as multiple tasks must be conducted daily, weekly, monthly or even annually. It’s simply too difficult to efficiently achieve the level of consistency required by means of manual data backups and system tests. 

Step 5: Organize Backup Administration and Management

The previous step brings us to efficient data administration. Your biggest enemies are inconsistency and a lack of centralized backup management. Administrating backups is a challenging task that requires a lot of your time and resources. 

Step 6: Test Your Backups

I’ve already mentioned testing before, and I can’t emphasize this enough. Test, test, test and test. Period. How else would you know that your backups are running and effective?

Testing can seem overwhelming, but it won’t be if you are consistent. Backups can fail, but it’s better for it to happen in a test than in a real recovery situation.

Step 7: Choose a Reliable Solution

After defining all of your data backup priorities and forming a backup strategy, it’s time to choose a reliable backup and recovery vendor to integrate your plan into your infrastructure. The market offers a wide range of solutions.

Full article: http://roboticsandautomationnews.com/2021/12/10/7-steps-to-form-a-successful-backup-strategy/47592/

momoy sa punsoy
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