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Helen Darnell
Types of Cam

Types of Cam

Disk or Plate Cam:

The disk (or plate) cam has not regular contour to transmit a specific motion to the follower.

Cylindrical Cam:

The cylindrical cam has a groove in a cylindrical surface and the follower runs on the cylindrical surface parallel to the axis of the cylinder.

Translating Cam:

Translating cam has a grooved or contoured plate and its follower oscillate in the face of the plate. The groove or the contour has specified the motion of the follower. 

Wedge Cam:

The wedge cam has an angled flat regular contour to impart a specific motion of the follower.

Spiral Cam:

The spiral cam has a half-circular or a spiral shaping grooved contour, the cam moves in reciprocating motion and the follower moves vertically to the axis of the cam.

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Cam and Follower Working Principle:

It serves a general force X direction and serves as a common force Y direction and two normal force balancing Cocking moment, the moment due to the force Fn. The frictional force that would try to oppose this vertical motion would be μ times the normal force.

N as normal force, then it will μN. During the upward movement, the follower does not only have to overcome these two friction forces but to get rid of the spring force.

Large Fn is necessary to overcome the frictional force, and the vertical component of Fn will overcome these two frictional forces and the spring force, while during the downward motion, the spring force is helping the followers to come down; hence the contact force Will be less.

The vertical components will be Fn cos φ; if the φ is very large, then these verticals components will be reduced. As a result, during the upward movements, the pressure angle should be low, & during the return movement, φ can be large, so φmax is more critical during the upward movement.

When designing a cam-follower system, translating follower is not jammed into its prismatic guide. The oscillating follower has very little chance of a restriction on its motion.

Helen Darnell
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