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11 Best Wedding Planning Tips and Tricks

Ariana Smith
11 Best Wedding Planning Tips and Tricks

Are you planning to get married this year? You might have started thinking about wedding planning. After thinking for a few hours or a day, you will ultimately decide to hire a wedding planner in Atlanta

But there are certain things that you should know in addition to hiring a planner. We are talking about wedding planning tips and tricks. This will help you plan an exceptional wedding you never thought of. Moreover, let's look at those secrets that will make your wedding day special. 

Guests come first 

Do you know how many guests will join your wedding? If not, you need to know the approximate number of guests you have to invite to your wedding. By doing so, you will know if those guests can be easily accommodated in the wedding venue. 

You can consider around 25-30 square feet per guest. While this space requirement seems like a lot, remember to count tables, bustling, and bands in the space. 

Know about wedding blackout dates

Don't just fix the date of your wedding without considering wedding blackouts. Before you finalize any date, collect information about wedding blackout dates. This means you must find out if your wedding date is the same as the date of a trade conference, charity walk, or any other local event.   

If such local events fall on the day of your wedding, there may be traffic jams and hotel room unavailability. You can easily find problematic wedding dates on Google search. 

Don't ignore mother nature 

You don't know how mother nature acts on your wedding day. But it is good to have knowledge about potential weather announcements. 

Reduce the wedding cost 

If you want to reduce the wedding cost, you need to cut your guest list. You should know that half of your wedding expenses come from dining with your guests. For example, if you are paying $100 per person, you can save $1000 by eliminating a table of 10 guests. 

Don't be afraid to ask

Trust your wedding vendors as they work as experts during the planning process. After all, when you work with your vendor, don't hesitate to ask what you are getting. Try to create an honest conversation with your vendor and learn what you want to learn about the wedding. They will always solve your queries in the best possible way. 

Wait for a date

Do you believe in last-minute planning? Well, it may work for you. After all, when looking for a wedding planner and a venue, you may struggle to choose a date. But don't always hurry to get a date. If you have started the process with time in hand, do your research and find the best date. 

Get ready for rejection

The number of people you invite may not attend your wedding. Remember a rule that about 10 to 20 percent of the invitees will not attend your wedding. And this is true because they have to come from different locations, and there may be some complications with them. 

Do things one by one

If you have created a wedding planning schedule, don't initiate everything at once. Try doing things one by one or in a particular order. 

Offer accurate driving directions

It is your responsibility to help your guests reach the wedding venue. For this, you can ensure that the guests have accurate driving directions. While following online map directions is good, sometimes it is not accurate. 

Here all you need to do is to create digital copies of driving directions and, if possible, try testing the route yourself. 

Help guests to enjoy the wedding 

You should ensure that all guests can see and hear from their seats. If some people are not close to the ceremony podium, rent a mic or a riser. 

Make sure you have emergency contact details

Finally, you should create a list of your vendor's contact details. It will help you when something goes wrong on your wedding day. 


These are some secrets about wedding planning you can keep in mind. You can try them at your wedding to make it unforgettable. 

Here is The Event Group International, a wedding planner in Atlanta with the best wedding planning services. We have planned several weddings in our years of service and make each one amazing. 

If you also want us to do the same for you, visit our official website. We will help you with the best possible solutions. 

Ariana Smith
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