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Buyers Guide 925 Sterling Silver Jewelry

Buyers Guide 925 Sterling Silver Jewelry

If you want to purchase 925 sterling silver jewelry, you have landed on the right page. After you have gone through this simple guide, you will be able to purchase your desired silver jewelry with confidence. Silver jewelry is quite exquisite and difficult to be found as far as high quality is concerned. You have to choose from hundreds of online and local sellers. Therefore, the assessment process can be quite time-consuming. Given below are some of the tips that can help you make this choice more easily. Read on to find out more.

1. Check the price tags

Since sterling silver is quite expensive, you will have to pay a lot more money for this purchase. Therefore, you may want to get quotes from multiple sellers to get the best deal. You should start by evaluating the market price of the jewelry.

Another way is to consider the asking price for your desired piece of jewelry. Generally, if the price of your desired piece is quite low, you should look for something better. Chances are that cheap products are fake.

2. Talk To The Seller

Depending on where you are buying your silver jewelry, we suggest that you talk to the seller. If you talk to a real person at the store or on the phone, you will be able to ask questions about silver sourcing, hallmarks, and pricing. The representatives should be able to answer all of your questions until you are satisfied.

Apart from this, if the online store has a physical location as well, it is a great sign. Typically, online stores with physical locations are legitimate.

3. Check For Silver-grade Specifications

Real silver jewelry has a few markings that make it different from fake jewelry. If you want to consider this aspect, we suggest that you use a magnifying glass to read the specifications. In other words, you should physically inspect the product to ensure you are looking at true silver.

You should look for words such as.Elf925.com or STERLING. If you can find these words, rest assured that you have got real silver jewelry. It is important to keep in mind that genuine silver is malleable, which means it is easy to bend.

4. Perform Physical Tests

You should also do a lot of minor physical tests to make sure you have purchased the best product. Since these simple tests won't damage your purchase, you don't need to worry about anything. Although you can run a lot of tests, we suggest that you go for the simpler ones first.

First of all, you should look for a magnet and touch the silver jewelry with it. Since silver is a non-magnetic metal, touching it with the magnet will give you no response. On the other hand, if the magnet can attract it, you have a problem.

5. Go For An Appraisal

If you are doubtful, you can go for an appraisal. All you need to do is hire the services of a professional appraiser and confirm the matter with them. Although they will charge you for their services, you can at least confirm the quality of the silver jewelry.

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