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What is important of Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning Institute in Lucknow

RR Group of Institution
What is important of Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning Institute in Lucknow

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the study and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception and speech recognition, as well as performing tasks previously thought to require only limited knowledge, such as chess playing.

Artificial intelligence has been defined in various ways. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) describes it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines". This definition suggests a field that involves the design of machines that can be considered intelligent but does not necessarily extend to the ability to produce or understand abstractions. Such artificial neural networks are currently being researched by scientists. Te

The term was first used by Alan Turing in a paper he wrote in 1950 where he proposed it as an alternative to "computing machinery" which had been used since the 1940s for analog computers.

Machine learning is the study of algorithms that can be used to automatically learn from data and make predictions.

Machine learning is a subfield of computer science that provides techniques for machine-based prediction. It has applications in computer science, engineering, and industry. The term "machine learning" is also used more broadly in contexts where computers are used to augment human intelligence, for example in artificial intelligence (AI).

Machine learning has been applied to diverse fields such as computer vision, speech recognition and natural language processing, economics, bioinformatics, robotics, and linguistics. Machine learning is one of the major fields of computer science; it is also among the most popular disciplines online: according to Google Trends, it was one of the top five most searched terms worldwide in 2012. Machine learning borrows concepts from statistics and mathematical manipulation from the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

The goal of machine learning is to develop algorithms that enable computers to make accurate predictions without requiring explicit programming.

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