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Breast cancer and radiotherapy

Breast cancer and radiotherapy

Breast cancer is a condition when the breast's cells proliferate abnormally. There are various forms of breast cancer. There are different types of breast cancer based on which breast cells transform into cancer. Different areas of the breast might give rise to breast cancer. After skin cancer, breast cancer is the second most frequent malignancy among women. Breast cancer can be early-detected through a mammogram, possibly before it has progressed. Depending on the type of breast cancer and how advanced it has progressed, breast cancer treatment in Delhi offers you advanced therapeutic options.



Radiation therapy for breast cancer treatment

After a surgical removal or surgery, patients with breast cancer may receive radiation therapy to eradicate any remaining cancer cells. The possibility of cancer returning or spreading is decreased by this therapy. The DNA of a cancer cell is damaged by radiation therapy involving specialized, high-energy X-rays or particles. A cancer cell dies when its DNA is destroyed because it cannot replicate properly.

Radiation therapy in the treatment region harms both healthy and cancerous cells. However, cancer cells are more impacted by radiation than healthy cells. Cancer cells are less structured than healthy cells and increase and divide more quickly. Therefore, the damage caused by radiation makes it more difficult for cancer cells to heal. Action Cancer offers assistance in obtaining radiation therapy and other efficient treatments to slow the spread of cancer cells in your breast.

When is radiation therapy administered to a breast cancer patient?

Radiation therapy eliminates cancerous cells. It is frequently employed to lower the likelihood that cancer would return post-surgery. It can also treat advanced breast cancer symptoms like pain and other undesirable effects. Internal radiation or intense X-ray beams are used in breast cancer treatment in Delhi to kill cancer cells. Damaged cancer cells are unable to divide and develop. The following conditions indicate that a patient with breast cancer needs radiotherapy.

a.    Radiation post lumpectomy: The cancerous tumor is removed during a lumpectomy, but most of the breast is still present. Radiation therapy lowers your risk of breast cancer recurring in surrounding lymph nodes or any residual breast tissue and your likelihood of dying from breast cancer. Breast conservation therapy, which involves a lumpectomy and radiation treatment, is very effective.

b.    Right after a mastectomy: Post mastectomy, radiation therapy is an additional option suggested by Action cancer. In this case, the radiation can eliminate any cancer cells that could still be present and lower the possibility of a cancer recurrence in the lymph nodes or other residual tissues of the chest wall. If the lymph nodes in your armpits test positive for cancerous cells, it means some cancer cells have spread outside the breast. The risk of recurrence is often higher for breast tumors larger than 2 inches than for minor tumors.

c.     Before or in place of surgery: In rare cases, doctors will utilize radiation to reduce a tumor before surgery; when doctors can't replace a tumor surgically, they will occasionally employ radiation therapy to reduce it. Because of its growth or placement, a tumor may not be amenable to surgery. Another possibility is that health issues prevent you from undergoing surgery.

Types of radiation therapy for breast cancer

Breast cancer treatment in Delhi may combine radiotherapy with other cancer treatments like surgery and chemotherapy, depending on the kind and stage of cancer. For the treatment of breast cancer, radiation therapy has many potential applications. External beam and internal radiation are the two primary subtypes of radiation therapy. Some folks receive both sorts of treatment. Here is a description of the different radiation treatment approaches for breast cancer patients.

a)    External beam radiation: External beam radiation is the most typical form of radiation treatment for breast cancer. The breast cancer-affected area is treated with this technique by receiving radiation beams from massive equipment. Directly towards the location of your tumor, the beams are pointed. It can deliver radiation to your tumor from various angles while the machine revolves around you.

b)    Internal radiation: When you put a radiation source within your body, you are exposed to internal radiation. Brachytherapy is another name for this kind of radiation. Brachytherapy involves temporarily inserting a device containing radioactive seeds or pellets into the breast tissue where the tumor exists. Action Cancer frequently administers brachytherapy for breast cancer using one or more tiny tubes or catheters. Internal radiation often works well when breast cancer is in its initial stages.

c)     IORT: Before the surgical incision is closed by your doctor, intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) is administered in the operating room. The revealed breast tissue's tumor region receives a strong dosage of radiation from your provider.

Side effects of radiation therapy

Radiation therapy side effects vary greatly depending on the treatment's nature and the tissues affected. Near the end of your radiation therapy, side effects typically become more noticeable. It could take a few days or weeks after your treatments are over before the side effects go away.

Mild to severe exhaustion

Similar to a sunburn, skin irritation includes itching, redness, peeling, and burning.

Tiredness, swollen breasts, or overall heaviness in the breast.


A radiation oncologist typically administers radiation therapy in a radiation clinic, typically starting three to four weeks after surgery. Radiation eliminates undetected cancer cells and lowers the possibility of cancer returning to the affected breast. Breast cancer therapy in Delhi offers efficient methods for handling cancer, lowering the risk of recurrence, and ensuring that you live a healthy life post-surgery.




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