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4 Initiatives Can Make Education More Accessible In India

IET Pune
4 Initiatives Can Make Education More Accessible In India

India has a lot of people working in the education sector, and it is because of these people that education is accessible to all within the country. However, there are still millions of people who cannot afford to attend school due to financial constraints. This article pieces together four initiatives that can make education more accessible for the next generation, especially when you have an upcoming PRE-CAT or C-CAT exam date.

Let’s see different initiatives which can make Education more accessible in India

1. Foundational literacy and numeracy

A key need has been found in the absence of "byte-sized" information in early learning. This kind of content has the potential to pique the attention of a kid as well as involve parents who may not have a formal education.

These difficulties may be overcome with the use of storytelling, read-aloud and interactive material, flip books, and the application of digital technologies. Different solutions are centred around the following criteria: the capability of the solution to engage the home environment and the relevant actors (parents, caregivers, and the community); the adaptability of the solution; and whether the solution is multi-modal (hybrid or phygital) to reach parents and communities in the remotest and most resource-challenged locations.

2. Teachers' capacity building

It is essential to increase teachers' capacity to deliver instruction in newer formats, as well as to secure their buy-in and participation in the process of developing and delivering tech-enabled curricula. To accomplish this objective, the report offers recommendations for improving teachers' capacity building. These recommendations include enhancing teachers' training, establishing a connection between training and career advancement, and involving teachers in developing an all-encompassing programme for teachers' capacity building.

3. School-to-work transition

The school-to-work transition is the key priority, and its primary objective is to ensure that pupils are prepared for the constantly changing employment environment. Most Indian schools, close to 85 per cent, have not yet included any vocational training in their curriculum. It makes recommendations for interventions that use digital and hybrid models to improve students' skill sets so that they are more suited for existing occupations and those that are yet to be created.

4. Connecting the unconnected

The pandemic has made digital learning an essential component of education everywhere in the globe and has also exacerbated the digital gap by increasing the number of people who lack access to computers and the internet. Only around 41.3% of schools had access to computers, and only 24.5% of schools had access to the internet in 2020-2021, according to a study conducted in 2020-2021.

This classifies schools according to how much access they have to digital infrastructure, which relates to the major priority area of connecting the disconnected. It recommends strategies that might be used to help schools of all levels improve their connectivity.


If you want more information about the c-cat exam date or want to know what is c cat exam or precat then contact the IET Pune. The IET Pune offers a variety of resources, including information on the c-cat exam date and what it is. Additionally, the IET Pune can guide you on how to prepare for the c cat exam.

IET Pune
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