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Marine Surveying and Consultancy Services Singapore

Marine Surveying and Consultancy Services Singapore

Marine engineering can be generally referred to as that branch of science or engineering that deals with the building, development, maintenance, and repairs of water crafts like small to large-sized boats, passenger and transport ships, naval and private submarines, and a variety of other marine vessels or water transport systems. Nevertheless, in some contexts, this branch of engineering is also considered to be inclusive of the study and research of allied ocean systems and structures as well. The term marine engineering categorically applies to that section of engineering sciences, specifically connected to the design, development, maintenance, and real-time operations of watercraft and its propulsion and ocean systems that are interrelated to mechanical, electrical, electronic, and computer science. This may include installation and maintenance of power and propulsion plants, their critical machinery, piping installation and repairs, automation, and the connected control panels and systems for marine and other watercraft of different kinds, both on sea requirements and offshore structures.

 The naval architecture is that section which is mainly concerned with the overall design of a watercraft, maybe a ship or a similar smaller vessel, the mechanical aspects like its propulsion through water whether, it may be while on a voyage, or otherwise. While marine consultancy is that section that oversees that, the key systems of the ship function as per the requirement and expectation. Although specifically distinctive with respect to the disciplines, both the sections that are, naval architecture and marine engineering work parallel to each other resulting in a highly coordinated job. Likewise, ocean engineering is something that is related to structural aspects and systems within and on offshore platforms, structures such as piers, harbors, and underwater life-support systems. This is in fact, a distinct and separate section from marine engineering, comprising the terms hydrodynamics, hydromechanics, and material science, ocean engineering operates under the heading marine engineering. Certain specialized companies like Universal Marine Survey along with the usual marine services also carry out services like quality checks and related services that are designed to facilitate the safe movement of goods, proper handling, and post-delivery issues.

 Universal Marine Survey is an international inspection company, which efficiently handles shipping complexities caused due to delays, damage, or allied unexpected instances. Established in 1991 with a mission to provide good quality and reliable service Universal Marine Surveying and Consultancy (S) Pte Ltd, has been consistent in keeping up with the leading industry's standards, and has been one of the best marine service companies to continually achieve ISO 9001 standards for quality management since 1998. With an impressive track record since its inception, Universal marine survey also provides offshore support services like, Fire fighting & diving, providing drill ships for offshore oil industries, pipe laying and cable laying devices, FSOs and FPSOs, jack-ups, crane barges, oil tankers and much more. Apart from this, Universal Marine Survey also provides Shipping Container Services, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Services like ship designs and relevant professional drawings, modifications of all types of vessels, inclining experiment testing, fire & safety planning, and a variety of naval architectural works and marine services.

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