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How To Control Uric Acid Naturally?

Dr Mukesh Sharda
How To Control Uric Acid Naturally?

Due to modern lifestyles and poor diets, a number of diseases are becoming common these days. Irrespective of age, kids, adults, and elders are becoming the victims of various disorders. One of these extremely painful diseases is the problem of Uric acid. 

What exactly is uric acid?

Uric acid is a waste product of the metabolic breakdown of purine nucleotides that are found in the blood. The problem of uric acid mainly occurs when your kidneys don’t eliminate the uric acid properly.  

As a result, the patient faces pain in the joints, stiffness, redness, swelling and difficulty in moving. 

What stimulates uric acid?

There could be a number of reasons for an increased uric acid. The most common causes of uric acid are :

  • Poor urinary system:- The problem of uric acids mainly occurs when your kidneys fail to eliminate the waste product/ uric acid efficiently. There could be a number of reasons for this failure like infection, swelling or bacteria in the kidneys.
  • Diet:- Eggs, Meat or seafood can be high in chemicals called purines. When consumed and broken down by the body, the level of uric acid goes up. 
  • Poor lifestyle:- You are more prone to get diseases if you are following a sedentary lifestyle. Your body requires regular normal movement. In the absence of physical activity, the body easily catches such issues.
  • Excess of alcohol:- Alcohol is the root cause of several diseases. It is high in purines which may result in increased levels of uric acid.
  • Genes:- The problem of uric acid could be genetic too. If your family has a medical history with the associated disorders, then there are more chances that you may get the problem of uric acid. But such changes are very rare. 
  • Diuretics:- It is a type of water retention reliever that increases the frequency of urination. Increased urination reduces the number of fluids in your body. As a result, the remaining fluid is more concentrated, which increases the risk of developing crystals resulting in joint pain.

How can you identify, if you have a High Uric Acid?

  • You may experience pain in the heel, ankle, foot, knee, toes and other joints.
  • You may have swelling in the joints.
  • The skin around your joints may start turning red.
  • You may face stiffness. 
  • You may have a restricted range of motion.
  • Your skin may turn dry and chapped.

Symptoms of uric acid may vary from person to person. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is suggested to take medical help. 

What is the best treatment for Uric acid?

Ayurvedic treatment for uric acid has been proven to be the most effective way to get rid of the problem. Herbal treatment helps to eliminate toxins from the body in a natural way. Ayurveda treatment for uric acid involves using only herbs and other natural means, which has no side effects on health. 

Recommendation for Ayurvedic Doctor Online Consultation

Nowadays, Ayurvedic treatment can be availed through the internet also. One can opt for Ayurvedic Doctor Online Consultation to consult with doctors sitting in any corner of the world. The facility is quite useful for aged people, physically-challenged or people with a hectic schedule who can not visit the clinic easily.

These are 3 hospitals that provide the best Ayurvedic Online Consultation facility

Dr. Sharda Ayurveda

Dr. Sharda Ayurveda was founded by Dr. Mukesh Sharda. The hospital is one of the leading Ayurvedic hospitals in the world. Numerous patients are getting relief with the help of herbal treatment provided by them. 

The Hospital has branches in Punjab & is spreading worldwide through online means. Anyone can consult with expert doctors by booking an Ayurvedic doctor online consultation. The doctors first listen to the problem and then provide suitable treatment according to the existing symptoms of the disorder and past medical history. The delivery of medicines can be done to the doorsteps of the patients. 

All these facilities make this hospital to be the first priority of patients. 

Why choose Dr. Sharda Ayurveda?

  • Natural treatment:- Only natural & herbal treatment is provided for treating the disorders. It involves using herbs, spices, yoga and meditation. These things yield only good results and have no side effects on the body.
  • Chemical-free medicines:- Ayurvedic medicines provided are made from herbs and spices. All these medicines are quality tested and contain no chemicals. 
  • Long-term & reliable results:- Ayurvedic treatment aims to remove the root causes of the diseases and give long-term & permanent relief to the patient. 
  • Mode of consultations:- Both online & offline consultation facilities are available. One can visit the clinic to treat their disorder or may consult with doctors via call.

Dr. Vaidyas

Dr. Vaidya's new age Ayurved was established by Dr. Natoobhai Vaidya. You can also book an Ayurvedic online consultation from this hospital. They use only Ayurvedic mediums to provide relaxation from the pain. 

The main aim is to make Ayurvedic treatment accessible to modern consumers Both in India and worldwide. A number of Ayurvedic products are available for different disorders. 

Why choose Dr. Vaidyas?

  • 100% natural medicines:- The medicines provided are purely made from natural & Ayurvedic substances like herbs and spices. 
  • No side effects:- Everyone can use these Ayurvedic products as they cause no harm. Because no chemicals are used in these products.
  • 150 years of expertise:- The hospital has a wide experience of 150 years in the field of Ayurveda. 

Jiva Ayurveda

Shri Rishipal Chauhan, Dr. Satyanarayn Dasa Ji, and Dr. Partap Chauhan are the founders of Jiva Ayurveda. The motive of such an establishment is to create a happy and healthy society with the help of Ayurveda. 

Why choose Jiva Ayurveda?

  • Ayurvedic medicines & products:- Approximately 600 Ayurvedic medicines & products are made available for treating several disorders. 
  • Easy to approach:- The hospital has many branches in India, one may visit these clinics directly or may also consult with doctors via online mediums at their convenience. 
  • Delivery of medicines:- The delivery of medicines can be done to your doorstep if required.

Ayurvedic remedies to balance your uric acid

The probelm of Uric acid is called Vata rakta in Ayurveda. Since ancient times Ayurveda has been providing relief from the issue using herbs. There are a number of home remedies available that can be used as uric acid Ayurvedic treatment and some of them are:


Triphala is made from 3 fruits namely- Bibhitaki, Amalaki & Haritaki which help to balance the 3 Doshas in our body. It reduces the swelling caused by gout since its anti-inflammatory in nature which makes it the best Ayurvedic treatment for uric acid.

Bitter ground

It is a very effective Ayurvedic treatment for uric acid because it is very rich in iron, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Uric acid can be controlled with the regular consumption of one glass of bitter ground juice. 


It is also called the healing herb and can also be used in Ayurvedic treatment for uric acid. It has anti-swelling, pain-relieving, and antioxidant properties that reduce the symptoms of uric acid.  


The herb is also beneficial against uric acid as it reduces inflammation. One may make a paste of neem leaves and apply them to the affected area of gout to get relief. 


Giloy is a very powerful herb that is used for treating a number of diseases. The juice extract from the stem of giloy can be used as an Ayurvedic treatment for uric acid. Because it helps to neutralize the increased uric acid levels in the body. 

Some Natural Tips To Reduce Uric Acid

  • Limit-rich-purine food:- Uric acid is made when purines are broken down in the digestive system. If uric acid remains in the body for a long period, it can crystallize and give rise to several serious health concerns. Therefore consumption of meat and seafood should be minimized to control uric acid.
  • Drink plenty of water:- Drink 8 glasses of water daily. If you are already having a flare of uric acid, then you must increase your intake to 16 glasses a day. It will flush out the crystals resulting in relief from gout.
  • Increase intake of fiber:- You must add fiber to your meals to the maximum as it helps to balance blood sugar & insulin levels and helps in absorbing uric acid in the bloodstream. 
  • Quit alcohol:- Beer which is a type of alcohol that is very rich in purines. Consumption of it makes you more dehydrated. Therefore, beer should be completely avoided to get rid of the problem of uric acid.
  • Control obesity:- Excess weight rises the production of uric acid and declines the excretion of uric acid through the urine. Talk to a nutritionist and try to maintain your weight. 
  • Vitamin C intake:- According to studies, vitamin C help in reducing uric acid in the blood. Foods like oranges, grapefruits, kiwi, broccoli, pumpkin, pears, cucumbers, celery, apples, blueberries, and oranges are very helpful in uric acid. 


In simple words, We can say that problem of uric acid could be extremely painful and discomforting. Its timely treatment is necessary for preventing further serious health complications. 

Ayurveda is the magical key through which the issue of uric acid can be controlled and one should always opt for Ayurvedic treatment for uric acid. It is both effective & pain-free and yields no bad effects.


Dr Mukesh Sharda
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