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SolidLine Media
SolidLine Media -

SolidLine is a leading video production team that offers in-house videos for several industries such as healthcare, associations, transportation, logistics, and more. From creating custom videos all the way from concept to completion, our creative producers are experts in producing stunning videos for your organization. Whether you are looking to put together a training video, live streaming video, or recruitment video, our team at SolidLine will ensure that your video needs are met. Contact us via 312-648-6600 or reach us online for a free video consultation today!

Learn more about SolidLive virtual event production and live streaming services, SolidLine Media video production services, SolidLine Media 3d animation services, and SolidLine Media portfolios on our website.

Video Production Process

Our process is a reliable roadmap that we follow step-by-step. Therefore, we never lose our way, miss a deadline, or go over-budget with your important corporate video production.

A lot of the work happens during Pre-Production to ensure the Production and Post-Production stages are executed efficiently. Then, it’s a wrap!

Our Work

Best of the Best

Home  Our Work  Best of The Best

Our passion is producing high-end videos that promote brands, educate audiences, and inspire others to take action.

Client Testimonial

W.R. Berkley Corporation

Home  Client Testimonials  W.R. Berkley Corporation


A Conversation With SolidLine: W.R. Berkley Corporation

W.R. Berkley Corporation came to SolidLine with an ambitious goal, to create a series of videos to train and educate 7,500 global employees on the seven traits of what it takes to be an innovative thinker at Berkley. The SolidLine Crew developed seven custom animated characters to represent each of the Berkley innovative thinker traits. In addition, a thematic video for each trait was produced, from a game show to Indiana Jones to a big sports game, each of these videos educated employees in a fun and entertaining manner. In addition to the videos, SolidLine also created trading cards, posters and even custom figurines of each of the characters that employees around the world now have on their desks. All of these elements have worked together to create and maintain an innovative culture at Berkley throughout all of the global regions.

In this video, W.R. Berkley Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer Bill Rohde talks about working with SolidLine and how our videos united the company across the globe.

For more information:

Business Email : crew@solidlinemedia.com

Business Phone Number : (312) 648-6600

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SolidLine Media
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